Do I need a secretary? Hey secretary, take
this down.. or maybe I need one of those voice
recorder with me.
Because as I was walking on my morning
walk, I thought of a great blog subject. It
was so great, it would have dazzled you
and maybe bedazzled you with great humor....but...... I
forgot it...
It is all my kids fault. I told them I would
get to this one day. As I was trying to get
thru 30 years of raising kids, I told them
that I was worried that I would lose it
mentally. That my brain would turn to
mush after they were gone. . See for
30 years (from the birth of the first
one, to the day the last one left the
coop) I have had to be on top of it.
Always second guessing what they would
could come up with next. What would
be their move (some of it from ancient
history of my own childhood, which was
always a good references). What would a
3 year old think of ... what would a 8 year
old think of and heavens help us, what
were the teens going to do. Each teen was
different but took similar roads. So my
mind was active all the time. And I
read a lot too. It was my calming down
time after the kids went to bed. Oh, yea,
the horrors of it was my kids had to be in
bed at 7 every night in the winter hours
and 9 during the summer. The high schoolers
got to stay up until 9 and 10 on weekends
and summer. My adult children now ask me
how did I do it all. I just asked them one
question.. what time did you have to go to bed.
Well, after everyone was in was
mine time. And that is what kept me sane.
But here I am, with senior moments that
stretch some times into senior hours. lol
So when you see me and I am listening to
you, and when it comes my time to talk,
you will have to forgive me if I give a blank
stare for a few minutes. It means I forgot
what I was going to say. And if I interrupt you,
well it is the same reason but it is important
and I don't want to forget it before it is
my turn to talk.
Yep, lost all my practice on those darn
kids of mine. But my Sweet guy does keep
what brain matter there is still alive. After
all I have to keep up with him you know.
Saturday Slight
12 hours ago