Tuesday, September 26, 2023



And the song goes,  “I will become a diamond someday”…   Me, it is I am a old chunk of clay that God isn’t done with yet.

But I think I have a lot of cracks and lines that aren’t conforming from his hands yet.. lol..    And some days I think there is a lot of creak to this chunk of clay.

You know … the old saying .. some days you feel 30 and some days you swear you are 90.  Seems I get more of those than before.. 

I have a hip that seems to have click to it. This is something new..about 2 weeks…. I stand and start to move, and have to wait for the click …which is a sharp quick pain, and then I can step out and walk where I need to go.  Bad enough my leg muscles have been driving me crazy for at least 10 years.. Some days I am at a 2 to 3 level and others when I am at a 8…and even some days 12..  now to have this click that I have to wait for to kick in.. well, I feel like I have a crack in me that God hasn’t seen yet.

As they say, it is hell to get old, but it beats the alternative.


Monday, September 25, 2023

It is FALL ...... AGAIN..


 Yep..  that time of the year... To clean up the yard.. to put things away..

scrap the broken…

And it is time to exchange clothes..  in the totes.. Spring goes back in. Out comes winter.. and I use both of them to thin out my wardrobe. I did get rid of some stuff.. BUT NOT ENOUGH…

So I am going to try that trick of having all the hangers pointing one way. And then turn them the other way..  when I get done wearing them..  Supposedly.. and I know it will be true of me.. As I am not a clothes horse.

But there should be quite a few hangers that are still pointing in.. by Spring time.   AND THOSE are the ones to get rid of..  as if you didn’t wear it in 5 months, it is time to get rid of it..  That is the hard part.. getting rid of it. I have one tote that has now Spring clothes in it.  BUT also sentimental clothes that people gave me..

I have a Seattle Slew tee shirt…  it was given to me by the aunt of the owners.   I have a mother’s day tee from my daughter…stating I am the world’s best mother.. I have a jacket and tee shirt from the days I worked at my job…  when I was on the volleyball team..  25 – 30 years ago..  you get the idea..

But my kids can get rid of them.. there is not emotional connection for them.


Tuesday, September 19, 2023

When is our Congress going to get back to governing?

When is our Congress going to get back to governing?

I am so sick and tired of the Congress running around in circles with revenge against each parties…  They have been so consumed with getting revenge that the rest of their job is not getting done..  You and I, as a tax payer are not getting our monies worth.   They are suppose to be keeping an eye on our roads and bridges, for one..  delegating the money in our government for its citizen.. They are suppose to make sure we have enough security to keep our borders safe.  A subject that they have bounced around for years.. throwing it back and forth with nothing getting done.   They have not been secure since..  well, to be honest.. never.. the first illegals across the border was the USA.. going into Mexico..  getting land that we call California now.

And then there was the Texas mess.  Eisenhower, many years ago.. did do something that slowed it down.. with the Mexican’s thinking that things were better here. And at that time..  they were, some what.  Now both sides are a mess.. and it is only 10 %  Mexican who are trying to get into the USA..

There is not only the southern countries of South America.. but we have African’s, Haiti and so many other countries sneaking across the border as well as those who are coming across at the border crossings.  

But instead of this. .. we have a Congress who are fighting the fight for 2024 now.. Who is going to get in as a President..What can they do to get revenge on each party..  So we have more lawsuits then ever before..  and the committee’s and now the most stupid of all another unseating another president..  As I taxpayer, I am pissed that my tax money is going for all of this, that produce… NOTHING.  Congress has been in love with committee for years..  Millions being spend on COMMITTEES FOR THIS AND THAT..  while our road go into disarray, our bridges are falling down..   There is still people who don’t get just common health covers with out being held up by the insurance companies..  Even Obama care, as it is called now..  is a joke.. the insurance companies run that..  Now they are demanding that if you are a smoker.. you can NOT get surgery if you have nicotine in your blood.. What the hell…  People have been getting surgery for over 200 years.. and they smoked way more then .. than they do now.. Yet people are in pain, and going months to years without surgery.. because they have been life long smoker and can’t or still trying to quit.. 

Come on CONGRESS.. do YOUR JOB..  as the old saying goes.. Get it done or get off the pot..


Monday, September 18, 2023

With a push of a button……

With a push of a button……

With a push of a button ..  silence…  glorious silence

I was enjoying myself,  reading the local  weekly paper, The Reader. As usual the background noise of the tv.. Good Morning America at this time..  when I found myself slightly irritated, so I got up, walked over the table/chair area.. and pushed the red button…

Oh, SILENCE.. how precious you are…I thought as I walked back to my dining room table… and finished reading the paper..

It is the little things in life that give great pleasure.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

My Dad would be sooooooooooooo proud. ..


As you can see from these pictures.. this is about a car.  It was my father’s car.   It is one he bought on a fluke, because the guy who owned it was a friend and the friend had financial problems.. so he sold the car to dad.

Dad had fun with it..  he drove it to breakfast every morning to his favorite little restaurant.. where the waitress were young and pretty.. And even at the age of 82.. he loved to flirt.  And even with the grey hair, and wrinkles..  he cut a pretty good looking man look.. 

After Dad died..  the will said that I got one of my parents vehicles… of my brother’s choice.  Why he didn’t keep the Vet. I don’t know. Because my brother was cut from the same clothe that my father was..  maybe his wife wasn’t fond of it..  But what ever the reason.. I got the Vet..  I had one son who lived in R.I. and I had him go get it..  as I live in Idaho.. We kind of went into partners of sorts.   He paid me a agreeable amount that was less than value and I kept the idea that if he sold it, I got more.. Well here we are Ladies and Gents. 29 years later.. and this is what it looks like now..  It totally belongs to my son..  He has worked on this vehicle for the past several years.. and especially since there became a WOREL BROS. WORLD CHAMPION trophy involved between the 4 boys.  This car won by a hair the first time.. and others have won the trophy since..   They skipped 2020 I believe.. The race is in June around Father’s day most years.

But the racing has narrowed down to two of the brothers for now. 

This picture is of this year.. After zillion hours of work.. and I can’t imagine how much money involved  (it is a wonder his wife goes along with this) to get to this point.  It isn’t perfect.. but close..   AND IT SURE LOOKS GOOD….. turns heads when people see it.. 

And if you look at the car at the starting line.. you will see the torque… the rear wheel is scrunched and the driver wheel is off the ground.  And if we could see the back of this car inside.. on the seat if it is still there.. or the shelf beyond…  if we could see the ghost of my father and brother, as their backs blow to the back of the car…  you would see two very happy laughing men.  

I am hoping that all 4 boys… get back into the fun of racing.. They have helped each other in the past… so it is not a cut throat thing.. but a brotherly love got to beat you, thing.   

These pictures were taking by a professional photographer who was at the track that day.. 


Monday, September 11, 2023

Yes it is a day in infamy, also…

Yes it is a day in infamy, also…

Like December 1941…  Pearl Harbor, this day too shall live in history

Forever..   Unless the new deals decide to hide it.. Not too many even

mention Pearl Harbor bombings and Kennedy being shot any more..  But they do bring up 9-11  as we are all familiar with the term..

Most can remember exactly where they were, when they saw or heard about the planes going down..  I have already told in the past blog stories about

where I was.. just getting off work and thinking it was a small plane when the radio announcer told about a plane hitting the World Trade Center…like one that hit a building months or a year before..  And when I turn on the tv, when I got home.. found out it was WAY DIFFERENT..

All the stores that have been told…   and American’s finding out we are not invincible. Only difference this was.. it wasn’t military per say.

The other side of the coin… is other people..  I have 3 in my family.. A niece, a daughter in law and a grandson in law.. What is it that these people have in common?   They were born on that date.. before the bombings..  So their birthdays have become a sadness around other people..  I think maybe it has lessen in the past couple of years.

Hopefully there are those who do not find it sad to celebrate these fine people..  and I am sure there has to be hundreds more thru the USA

For me?    HAPPY BIRTHDAY  BARBARA, TERRY AND TRAVIS, may YOUR day be full of laughter, and great times with your friends and family..




Tuesday, September 05, 2023

School days school days..

School days   school days.. 

The neighborhood quiets down..  The laughter and yelling of children.

The barking of dogs as the children run from one house to another.

All kinds of different classes …different than my days..

We didn’t have new math.. And some other titles I don’t remember because I had not a clue what they are.

We had… the difference between MAY and CAN… did your teacher teach you that in English? I was in high school when I learn that little lesson..  Teachers use to love pulling that one over us kids..  

The use of may or can…  when dealing with asking for the possession of an item.  Do you know?   I had my English teacher pull it on me.. I had asked ..  “can have that pencil?”   She said yes, but when I went to pick it up, she put her hand over it. I didn’t understand, after all she just told me I could have it…  well, I guess she didn’t… because I did not ask if I could have possession.. but asked if it was possible.   Confused yet?   I sure was..  She explain to me that asking if I can have it.. and she had said yes..   that it meant that I had the ability to take it..  but not the permission..  Had I wanted the possession of it ..  I should have said..  MAY I have that pencil..   She said people confuse the two..  I know I was sure confused… even when I went back to my desk with that said pencil.  She was a great teacher.. I am not going to tell you that she was my favorite, as she wasn’t… But I understood after the fact..  Even though she had warned us at the beginning of our senior year..    As she walked around the class room…. telling us,  we better be paying attention to her classes..  That this was our last go around.  And she said “I sure don’t want to hear out of your mouths 5 or more years from now, … “oh, Mrs. Clark, I sure wish I had paid more attention in your class. I have heard that so many times..  I DON’T WANT TO HEAR IT FROM YOU.   I want you to pay attention NOW.. do you hear me?  She listened.. and repeated.. DO YOU HEAR ME?  Good, now lets get started.” 







Monday, September 04, 2023

No one wants Grandma’s dishes anymore

No one wants Grandma’s dishes anymore

My sister in law’s daughter once told us, as we pulled away from an estate yard sale…..  “You know, Mom,  your life is a yard sale 3 days after you die. “

This is getting to be more and more true as the years ago by.

I can remember in the past .. great arguments over Grandma’s good dishes…  Some times speaking up to Grandma before she passed, some times arguments with survivors after Grandma passing.. Some of them so bad, that siblings not talking to each other for years.  Having grudges over different things that were promised when Grandma was alive.  Jewelry, dishes, silverware and etc…

Now no one wants it..  Antiques doesn’t mean much to the newer generations..   

I know there is nothing in my house that my kids would fight over..  Some of it I took care of years ago..  I sent a letter to each of them..  telling them I was downsizing.. That if they have seen something in my house, that they thought they would like after I am gone.. Speak up now..  Or it might have gone to the Goodwill while I was alive.   And there was a few things they did want. And I sent it to them.. Told them if there is something that I am not ready to get rid of yet, I would put their name on the back of it..  so they could claim it later.

As I have gone to yard sales of passing relatives of the yard sale people…  I see what could have been a prize possession of what that person had…  and now for $10 you can get the whole set.  Jewelry that is sold for 25 cents each…  That was wore with such pride in the pass.

Guess the moral of the story is.. you can give the possess away while you are alive..  or send it to Goodwill yourself..  or sell it and you spend the money on yourself.  

Ones I feel sorry for, is the children who are left behind to get rid of the possess of little value… from parents who collected stuff for years and would not get rid of it.. And now it has to be gotten rid of and no one wants it.