Monday, September 04, 2023

No one wants Grandma’s dishes anymore

No one wants Grandma’s dishes anymore

My sister in law’s daughter once told us, as we pulled away from an estate yard sale…..  “You know, Mom,  your life is a yard sale 3 days after you die. “

This is getting to be more and more true as the years ago by.

I can remember in the past .. great arguments over Grandma’s good dishes…  Some times speaking up to Grandma before she passed, some times arguments with survivors after Grandma passing.. Some of them so bad, that siblings not talking to each other for years.  Having grudges over different things that were promised when Grandma was alive.  Jewelry, dishes, silverware and etc…

Now no one wants it..  Antiques doesn’t mean much to the newer generations..   

I know there is nothing in my house that my kids would fight over..  Some of it I took care of years ago..  I sent a letter to each of them..  telling them I was downsizing.. That if they have seen something in my house, that they thought they would like after I am gone.. Speak up now..  Or it might have gone to the Goodwill while I was alive.   And there was a few things they did want. And I sent it to them.. Told them if there is something that I am not ready to get rid of yet, I would put their name on the back of it..  so they could claim it later.

As I have gone to yard sales of passing relatives of the yard sale people…  I see what could have been a prize possession of what that person had…  and now for $10 you can get the whole set.  Jewelry that is sold for 25 cents each…  That was wore with such pride in the pass.

Guess the moral of the story is.. you can give the possess away while you are alive..  or send it to Goodwill yourself..  or sell it and you spend the money on yourself.  

Ones I feel sorry for, is the children who are left behind to get rid of the possess of little value… from parents who collected stuff for years and would not get rid of it.. And now it has to be gotten rid of and no one wants it.

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