We are back to cave time.
Which is almost the battle
of the wills.
See Cave time is when we shut
all the curtains, shades, blinds
from 5am to 11pm. Giving the
house a cave appearance.
If we can get a breeze coming
in and then with everything
shut, we might have a chance
to get thru the day without
feeling like we came thru
the steam shower.
The battle is Sweetie and I.
I don't want the air
conditioner in the window yet.
Last two years we had them up
and then sat there for 2 months
with no hot weather. And the cold
weather coming in thru the air
conditioners. Besides I don't look
forward to the humm of the dang
One of them is on the same
level as a jet plane. Last year, I
won the battle and it was put in
the back room. The year
before, he put it in the front and
the T.V. had to be up super loud
to hear it over the AC. And it was
one of those thermostat controlled.
So when it hits goal, it went off.
The sound on the TV blasted us.
I think I won last year out of default.
See when Sweetie removed the big
AC out of the front in the fall of 03, he
took it that the bracing under it would
hold it. So he came in and unplugged
and lifted up the window.. then I
heard thud, and UH,HO... words
you really don't like to hear from
your husband. Seems the AC was
too heavy for the bracing and the
plant below caught the AC. While
both survived, neither one of them
look so pretty any more.
So I am hoping for a couple more
cool days. But he says they are going
in by the 4th of July. But even
then we still have the cave. And
I don't do so well, in the cave. I
love windows, daylight. A bat girl
I would never be.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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