I, for all sense and purposes, blew off
this past weekend... I had a 3 day
weekend because the King went
out of town early Friday.
Friday, I recouped from the tests
of Thursday. I did walk on Friday,
but other than that I can't say I
accomplished much. Read magazines,
the paper, and that kind of stuff.
On Saturday, I slept in until 8am.
I thought I should do something.
But with not much in the pocket for
money, I should do something
around the house. So I stripped the
bed and washed sheets. Put the
season sheets on. Flannel. The King
had requested them on Wednesday.
(what is he going to do when it gets cold?)
I went out to the garage and dragged
in the two huge suitcase like things
I have my winter clothes in. After
about an hour and half, I had switched
my summer clothes into the cases,
and my winter clothes were in place.
It dawn on me two things. 1.. 80% of
my clothes are year around. 2. I have
way too much clothes.
I have clothes that pleases me,
I have clothes that people gave me...
I have clothes that I have to keep
because I might go some where nice
and you have to have nice clothes.
So that means 3% of my clothes only
get worn once a year at best and mostly
once every 3 years. Maybe I should get
one of those under the bed boxes and
put them in there.
I can remember as a child I had
probably 3 sweaters. Maybe 4...
two that were button up and two that
where pull over. I had about 3 skirts
(one being the required black) and
about 5 blouses and 3 dresses, and
the required underclothes. And of
course my favorite ..shirts and jeans.
Jeans were for every day around the
house and barn.
Couldn't wear them to school.
Couldn't wear pants of any style to
school. They came out with Bermuda
skirts and shorts. But if you wore them
with the socks that came up to your knees,
to school, you got sent home. Everything
had to be below your knee. And of course,
shorts were out. There were some daring
girls who wore the Bermuda skirts to school
with the knee high socks and loafers.
Kick out...sent home... All you could see
was their knees.
Anyway, so how did I end up from just
a few things to half a closet of clothes.
(King has the other half. Not counting
his closet full of hunting clothes in the
other room) How do we get attached
to these clothes? I wear 20% of them on
a regular basis. Rest are ones that I like
occasionally. At least 50% of them, were
for a quarter or half a buck. I, yard sale.
And most of them are my favorites.
The rest of the day, and Sunday, I did
nothing. And did it quite well. Read,
drank tea, nothing on the television,
visited my favorite blogs. Started a bit
on my own blog.. Yes, I did go to church
on Sunday morning. And then at 3,
the King was home.
Yesterday, I got a call from my brother.
After we had talked a bit... he said he
read my Hurricane Carol blog. And he
said, "I couldn't believe you forgot the
ice cream. How could you forget the ice
cream?" My mother use to crank up the
freezer during hurricane watch (I do
remember that) in case we lost electricity.
And during Carol we did lose the electric.
We lived across the street from the
First National Store, which at that time
was a big brand of stores. And because
they also lost electric, in their freezers,
they had melting ice cream. Of which
they were giving away. My brother never
one to give up on free ice cream, I guess
we got more ice cream than the mind can
imagine. Of course, Mom's freezer was
cranked. So they slipped it in quickly.
And he said we had ice cream until we
couldn't hardly look at it anymore. Now
usually, I am the one who remembers
things in the past. But he remembered that
like it was yesterday. And I have no memory
of it at all. Guess that must be one of those
guy things.
One of the things I did do over the
weekend, as I commented on blogs,
was seeing the verification spot, you have
letters to copy.... and the mind wanders...
and you see words... not necessarily words
that go to gether... so here were the ones
I choose. And now I am off to work...
I pigs man
Is golf zone california?
at flake extra quick
ie b wax
as c jam q
no jill jig baby
zeal sap hour
gto jazz void
ok go hive how
women extra quahog
for those who are not from the East
Coast, quahog is a large clam...
and taste great in clam cakes in the shell
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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