Last month when I got my Dish
bill, there was a $3.00 surprise.
They had raised their rates.
So I went to their site and wrote
about how a lot of us are on
tight budgets, so we would
like a 30 day warning before
they hike up the price.
And of course I got the quick
"we are busy but we will get to
your email as soon as we can,
because we appreciate your
business" email.
Well, here we are two weeks
later and I get the email reply.
Starting with Thank you for your
feedback and opinions. And then 3,
one inch sentence of how they
appreciate my business, and how
they do their best to bring us
good service and reasonable prices.
blah blah blah ..... 3 sentence of
blah blah blah. Nothing about
giving us 30 days notice.
So I wrote back....
Now Terry B..... what kind of
answer is that to my email???
All you gave me was the blah
blah blah of how great a company
Dish is and how you are glad
to have me for a customer and
hope we will continue...blah
blah blah...... etc.
Wouldn't it been better if you
said, we will give your thoughts
great consideration before we
raise our rates again...(even
if it wasn't true).
Or even an honest answer...
the company could care less
if you get a future notice of raises
in rates. If you don't like it keep
your mouth shut or even change
to another company because we
have millions waiting to take
your place.
But the BS of blah blah blah
about the great company of Dish,
doesn't cut it.
Most Sincerely,
Customer Gxxx
And yes, I really did sent
that to them...
I will let you know if they write
back, besides the already gotten
"We are busy will get back to
you" bit they send automatically.
Saturday Slight
7 hours ago
I think Dish Network is setting themselves up for a fall.
We, too, are upset with the increase.....AND they have taken away channels from us (4 in all) in the past few months. We are seriously thinking of changing back to DSS. They cant afford to make people unhappy with the competition so fierce.
Another thing that upsets me is automated phones that have you punching one number after another; never talking to a real person. What has happened to customer service?
We have Cox Cable; they are SUCH a rip-off. What I wonder is why they even bother to pretend to mount a customer-service effort; the only people they have to please are the regulators who allow the rate incrases. Baloney!
You go girl! I no longer have dish either. I went back to Adelpha, who I must say has done a much better job this time then a few years ago when I had them. If I complain about an increase I get a credit. If I complain about an interuption in my service I get a credit. They have really bent over backward to take care of me.
The funny thing we return more Dish Network to the shipper at UPS then anything I have ever seen. It's crazy. Peaple are not happy with them.
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