You know those Mid-westerns are tough.
Have you seen those pictures of the cattle
out on the range with no food...but the
National Guard is there throwing out
bales of hay from their helicopters.
You see trees down, electric is out for
thousand and more people. There
is driveways snowed close for many
places. Farmers trying to get
their cattle feed and water. Losing
10 cattle per day...
Wires down, road closed. People
staying at home because of the
weather and even stores are closed.
Yet, I haven't seen Bush in a helicopter
flying over to see how bad it is.
I haven't heard of a celebrity going
there to help out.
No outrage on TV about Fema hasn't
showed up there to help these people.
No one screaming about the government
not coming in fast enough to help out
or rescue people.
I haven't even hear any of the 3 states
Governors asking for help.
These people just hunker down and do
what has to be done. They are use to this.
They don't ask for money one is looting
the others.. No one is asking the Federal
Government for a handout. There isn't news
stories other than the direct evening news,
talking about how horrible it is.
The farmers are making due. They are making
lemonade out of lemons. They are use to
the electric going out. It goes out during
storms from time to time. They get snow
storms every year. Some worse than others.
They melt snow for water. The guys pull each
other out of snow banks, or plow out the
neighbor with their tractors. No one charges
anyone for any of it.
The restaurant give food to the police, fire
department and electric guys who are on
duty for 12 and 16 hours at a shot.
Families take in others, even if they
are strangers, to give them a roof over
their heads. Have the wood stoves going.
And none of these people act like the world
owes them a living. If anything, they open
their hearts and cupboards and sometimes
home to all. Just as they have in the past
150 years.
Too bad Louisiana doesn't know that lesson.
Saturday Slight
7 hours ago
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