Our trip
This weeks blogging will be mainly on
one subject. My observations as we traveled
from San Diego to Idaho by car. When I wrote
it up from my notes, it was too much for one
posting. So I have broken it up , so your eyes
don’t glaze over. Remember the name of this
blog is “From a Simple Mid”. So this week,
I will live up to that name. Yes, I might post
something in between if it suits me.
Driving California is a real experience. I use to
live in San Diego, and amazed how I could drive
like that those many years ago. We took highway
15 to go around most of L.A. but we did get caught
in a small section on 210 for 20 miles… going 10
to 15 in a 60 mph area. But once we hit I-5, we were
on the rat race up thru California, heading towards
Oregon. It was a drive that just about did the King in.
To say it unsettles the nerves is an understatement.
But the Californians seem to take it in stride. We drove
up thru all the cities, leap frogging slower semi’s and
RV’s. It seem like a mad house race of vehicles to see
who could be first in line.
Some where around Douglas County Oregon …..the
lush green valley’s and rivers started to appear. Such
a difference from the brown and yellow rolling hills
of California.
I am use to seeing brown and yellow in the southern
part of the state of California. But was surprised to see
so much of it in the northern part. Redding, use to be
green. But to see the rolling hills, and even the mountain
area in yellow and brown and no trees. Sure is a difference.
A lot of the area of Oregon and really much of it, had a
flow of green and trees from one side of the freeway to
the other. What beauty. Even the black rocks that jutted
from the sides towards the freeway. The beauty of the
rocks from shiny brown to dark black. How lucky we are
to live in such a beauty and wonderful country.
Where American names (like Wilbur) mix with the
Native American and the foreign names of towns,
some named after their native countries, that they left
behind to come here to dream 90 years ago.
Where a tree stands alone in a field with 3 horses and
a colt standing in its shade.
more tomorrow
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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