Well, I didn't run the poker run that I had in
Friday's blog... although it sure would have
been interesting to have it on Saturday night.
With white out, it sure would have made the
potholes hard to find. And the card dealers
would have ran home too. And it would have
been hard to judge the time, as you
couldn't see the cars go by...heck, you wouldn't
be able to see your watch..
But since we have had the snow, the road
has smoothed out some what. The pot holes
filling up with ice and snow. It sure has helped
the traffic, as the cars have gotten back up
to 40 mph again. (it is posted 15) but the kids
on the end of the block don't care about that.
I think I saw one of them hit his head on his
truck headliner.
Now we have the deep freeze coming. So
I guess we will have to hold off on the poker
run. But the rules are on Friday's post if you
want to give it a try. And you got to watch
out for those Litehouse semi's, they will
slow down your time. I notice even they
have cut their speed with the holes. Maybe
they can't shake the milk up..
I got to get over this cabin fever, and get
out side in the sunshine..
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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