We have the candidates still..
I said... STILL.. battling it out.
And there is still almost 3 more
months of this.. just to get to
who is going to run against
3 more months of daily garbage
being thrown around. Dirty tricks,
and more and more about the
personal side. Not so much as
who they are, but who they know.
And how it can be used against a
person. The saying," I am not my
brother's keeper" comes to mind.
Also stories of how I won the war.
(Well, that is exaggerated by me) ..
but Hil's story of gunfire as she got
off the plane was a little much like that.
One should never ... ever... make
as statement about what you did
or didn't do, when the media is
like skin to you in everywhere you
She forgot? How stupid is that?
This wasn't something some one asked
her. This was a volunteered comment.
Before one opens one's mouth, and
inserts foot, one should check out
exactly what footage there is on the
subject. And her poor daughter, when
asked about it.."uh, what ever she said,
it happen that way...I know I was thrilled
to be there". At least she didn't lie. May
be should elect her?
Also I am sick and tired of snow. It
sure doesn't help my attitude. Which
seems like it is at a all time low.
As much as I have tried to put on a
smiley face.. yesterday morning was the
straw that almost broke the camels
back. And I understand that this
isn't over yet. This afternoon is the
start of up to 18"inches of snow between
this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon.
Maybe I should become a bear. You know,
when it gets cold in the October or November,
to hibernate until it warms up again in April.
Gosh, 6 months of this... no wonder I am
tired of it all and going stir crazy.
What is the saying? Idaho has 4 seasons,
Summer, early winter, winter and late winter?
Sure feels that way this year..
I am afraid to start laughing as I might not
stop and the King will have the boys in white,
taking me away. If he does, maybe he better
make sure they are wearing blue, green, or
pink, anything but WHITE...
Saturday Slight
23 hours ago
1 comment:
This is soooo mean and I really debated whether I should even mention it or not. BUT.....you do know, I'll bet---that lady bears, while they are in hibernation mode, pop out a bear-baby, right?? I doubt you'll want to go into hibernation after hearing this I would think? Har Har
Sorry about that. Couldn't resist.
Oh yeah...sheesh I am also, like about a gazillion others, tired of this nitpicking between Hillary and Barack! Everyone I hear yapping about it (especially on cable news) says the same thing--- it's all over for Hillary and she should just give it up.
I am scared out of my mind (what's left of it) that by some horrible stroke of bad luck John *McBush* might be elected...It's way too horrible to even *think* about. Eeeeeeeeuuuu.
Well, I am pooped. Didn't do squat today but lay around and do nothing. That is very exhausting, you know? Also did nothing while laying around, but managed to stuff my face with about a ton of fatty snacks and all that good stuff. Hah.
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