Is it me or are the movies getting more violent?
I can't hardly look at the commercials for them.
I can recall reading somewhere, that the more
violent the movies are, the happier people are..
and the more comical they are, the sadder we
are, as a public.
I can't buy into that. First of all, movies are run by
movie makers, not the public. And they are filmed
a year or so before we get to see them. I understand
the deal that, Hollywood makes more of what we
go to the theater to see, or buy DVD's, but still.
Is it me, am I too old fashion? But what about some
of these shows on television. The one about truth.
Why would anyone in their right mind go on and be
asked questions (they are told they could be asked
this questions) to embarrass themselves and tick off
their spouse or parent? It can't be worth that kind
of money. Same with Wife Swap and now the new
show called Swingers. Swingers was a disgusting
group of people in the 70's, why in heavens name,
would anyone want to watch it on television.
Thank goodness, for Netflix and us being the
people who can chose what to watch.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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