You know the term minimum wage is
interesting. Interesting because we don't
have a maximum wage.
But, of course, Congress is the one who
decides if we have a minimum wage and
how much it is. From state to state as well,
as the Federal government. And each time
the subject comes up, of course the congress
bucks it until the voters have enough and they
are afraid we might rebel. They say it is bad
for the economy. Funny, as they don't think
that when they vote themselves a raise.
The Federal minimum wage does not over rule
the state minimum wage. Only if the job has
anything to do with Federal government. Nursing
homes because they take Medicare. Trucking
because they travel the Federal highways and
etc. Other wise the States control all wages.
I think it is time we rebel and ask for maximum
wage. I would go for $200,000 a year (and I am
being very generous there) and NO BONUS. No
stock options and etc. After all they are already
getting 100 times the amount the average employee
gets. But the the spin cyclist will tell us that is bad for
the economy some how.
But somehow I think it would be good, because then
there would be money for the employees who actually
do the job, not those who delegated the jobs. And also
if the average employee was given stock in the company
they would benefit from their own production.
Also I like to see some fairness. Can you tell me how
and why, that a CEO whose product is an
appliance, gets $700,000 bonus. Yet men in the service
who are overseas fighting ,so those very same CEO's can
have their jobs here, get .0001 of what that CEO gets?
Why does a fireman, police officer who serves and protects,
gets no bonus to speak of, and for wages that amount to
the same as what the CEO probably pays for taxes on
his wages?
Yes, let's have some equality here folks. But you know,
that Congress will never ever have a maximum wage.
I wonder, after all the foreign companies buy out our
companies, will their CEO's get the same, or will they
put some of it back into the company and it's employeeson the bottom rung?
Saturday Slight
23 hours ago
Hey, Cis! Where have I seen that blog layout before?:)
Hate to agree with you - I'm just as mesmerized by this whole thing and force myself to not even go to my favorite blog site. Every five minutes we learn one more horrible beyond-belief EVIL. I'm not for or against the death penalty - I really haven't thought about it - but in this case, where I really want him dead, I also want him to suffer. I'm concerned that a death penalty will allow him to have repeated appeals and more trials and more dragging these poor Moms and Dads through their worst nightmares over and over again. So, I'm thinking put him into the general prison population - nothing even so nice as solitary confinement. No - put him in the regular population of the prison and they will take care of him. How unChristian is THAT? This is really twisted.
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