With the subject of unwed teen pregnancy in the
media and on blogs this week, it is disappointing
to see the good unraveled.
It wasn't too long ago ...maybe a month ago,
where we saw daughters pledging or making
a contract with their fathers. In one of those
No to Sex campaigns. (why it was father's
and not parents I don't know)
Now with Juno the movie, and Bristol the VP's
daughter, this all seems to open a new can of
worms for parents.
Which brings me to the next step. In this
day and age, as long ago as 18 years ago,
more and more grandparents are raising
their grandchildren. Parents bowing out,
due to drugs, mostly, but other problems
in their lives. Some of them come back around
with in a year or so, but in most cases that
isn't true.
I have three friends who are in it for the long
haul. One of the grandparents have been in it for
17 years. 17 years of trying their best to bring
the two young men a good life. 17 years of
putting their own lives on hold. It was suppose
to be retirement time for them. Instead they
watch their retirement go down the drain. The
retirement funds went down the drain, as there
was no financial help. There were behavior
problems, bring on therapist, and other expense.
The next one has been doing it for 12 years. That
one a little better. Her life, has changed a lot. But
thru it she was able to go back to school and become
a nurse. Making a better life for her and her granddaughter.
As she was a young widow, with no pension or insurance
from her husband. Then adding the granddaughter in the mix.
The other have been doing it for 10. And the children
are now teens.
Teens years, which have drained on all of these grandparents.
Yet, they still hang in there. There are so many grandparents
raising their grandchildren with no help, that there are groups,
and sites for them to go to, to talk and help each other.
So as the drop goes in the water, and the ripple moves farther
out, teen pregnancy is not just something that happens. It has
far reaching effects.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
Great post!
Im ALWAYS told me 4 lads to keep their bits in their boxers or at least wearing rain macs.... Ive told them if they make babies then they take on ALL responsibilites that it envolves..... I childmind babies, and toddlers and nippers and so there has ALWAYS been babies in this house for 25 years.... there is NO way I am gonna be raising anymore :) - and my advise seems to of worked ...
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