Buy out, Tarp Bill ...all old words
with new meanings...
700 Billion here, and 7 Billion there.
Last one, is the wish list of the Louisiana
Senator from that state to fix Karina mess.
Which has me wondering what happen to
the money that F.E.M.A. and Bush/Clinton
raised up, say nothing of what Brad Pitt and
the rest of the people who are drumming
$$$$ for that area?
I just don't get it. Why do the innocent have
to pay for the guilty? You have the Catholic
people paying for the sins of the Priest. Some
of those churches didn't have an offender in their
midst. But each an every Catholic has to pay
for the settlement the higher ups granted.
Why not the church Rome coffers, after all the Cardinals
are the ones who let it keep happening and transferring
Then you have the government, getting ready to dole
out banks who lent money to those who they knew
were not in position to pay. You have other companies
also being bailed out and they are so arrogant to go
to spas and such for meetings. What happen to the
board meeting rooms? And who has to pay this? You
and I, the tax payer. The ones who borrowed only what
they could pay back. The ones who used their credit
card wisely and did without extra toys. Those of us who
tighten up our belts, when money was tight and still paid
what we owed. Why do we have to pay? Take the homes
of the CEO's, take the stocks of those CEO's that got
bonuses. Bonuses that takes us a life time to earn.
Where is common sense... oh, yea, the emails that
have gone around for about 10 years told us, Common
sense died...
And the stock market shows us daily that the sky is
falling...yet.. we see lotteries thriving well, millions being
paid for actors, sports champions, and etc.
And on the lower level... we have charities having shows
of fancy homes, the elite so to speak homes...decorated
for Christmas. And charging $20 each to come see the
homes. Yes, it is for a good cause. But somehow, it rubs
in the wound, to see houses decorated in fancy Christmas
decorations, when the food bank is wanting. No, that isn't the
receiver of the charity in this case. $20 to go in and see
how the other side lives. See the 6 owned homes as well
as 3 for sale. Homes that the general population will never
be able to own, say nothing of the taxes. It is for a nice
cause, just in this day an age one has to wonder as we
hear the sky is falling..for the rest of us.
You know someone had an idea, to take that 700 billion
and give it to the people. Have it divide up among the
household. With the only condition being the money
had to be used for your bills. So you could pay off your
credit card, you could pay for your car, your home, and
health bills. They figured the country would come out of
recession, if that was done.
You know, maybe that isn't such a bad idea after all.
And if we have any left over, we could share it with
the charities. Uh, oh, many would think of that as
sharing the wealth. But sharing it with the wealthy is ok.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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