I remember reading a few years ago, that
some one came up with the claim that movies
are the opposite of the time. This research went
back to the days of WWII.
Seems the theory went that the happier of
times, the more violence or sad the movies.
And during the worse of times the more
comic the movies became. They stated
that the war times brought lots of comedies
and musicals. And after the war was over,
the movies switched to war movies and
violent police movies.
If that theory held water, we would be in
laughing and singing fits of movies. During
this recession, we sure have seen a lot of
violence movies. Some of the previews on
television are enough to scare the daylights
out of you.
Also what is with the AXE commercial. It
borders on porno. The first one I saw was
the chocolate guy. I thought it was a Hershey
commercial. It is where I presume the scent
of chocolate AXE turns the man into a giant
chocolate candy, where it attracts women,
even to the point of one woman on the bus
who takes a bite out of his butt.
The next one I saw was where a young man
is treated like a car in a car wash. He is tilted,
and taken thru human scrubbers, and at one
point it is very suggestive of how his under
parts get washed, and dried.
I am sure the young ladies, and maybe the
middle age women love it. But it sure is awful
hard to explain it to your grandchildren.
Saturday Slight
7 hours ago
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