Today there are TEA PARTY'S all over the nation.
A play off on the tea party in Boston, Mass. over
200 years ago. That we all learned about while in
school history classes.
People have been emailing letters about it,
People are texting and Twittering (I think that
is what you call it. As to be honest I am not
sure what the difference is).
But to me, this is about the same line as those
who write letters to the editor about national subjects.
It is only ego soothing, as the nation and those who
it is pointed to ....could care less. And will not even
see it, never mind read it. It only makes the
writer feel better.
While Congress, who it is really directed at, will not
know who actually was at the rallies around the country.
Even if they send a list to them, with the names who
attend, the most the rallies will get out of it, is to be
put on the Congressperson's list for donations for their
next election.
But it will make the rallier themselves feel better, and
that is ok too. We all have to bat at the wind from time
to time, to feel like we can do something, even if it doesn't
make a different to others.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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