Two of our places here in town of
Sandpoint that do great work, are
close to closing. Actually one has,
hopefully, temporary closed.
The Free Clinic in down which helps
those who can't afford a doctor at
regular prices, is close to closing.
There has been those who are donating
to keep it open. It is a week to week
The same thing is said of the
Bonner Humane Society Clinic.
This organization has done so much
good for the county. Many people who
own animals can take their cats or dogs
there to be spayed. At reasonable prices.
For about half of what it cost at the regular
vet clinic's. They also give shots and etc.
I have taken our dog there to be spay. Also
for her shots. When one is on the lower wage
scale, it sure helps to have people like these who
run both clinics. The people there are great. So
caring and helpful.
If you are a cat or dog person and want to
help out, you can send it to the...
Bonner Humane Society
900 Westmond Dr.
Sandpoint, Idaho 83864.
Even if it is only$5. They are closed at this time, but one
person is giving $1,000 if they can come up with matching funds.
So if you are incline to help, I know they and the animals would
sure be grateful.
Saturday Slight
7 hours ago
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