Obama needs to tear down the wall between the people and
himself. The wall that is made up of his cabinet.
How can you be seen as our leader, when your cabinet
member overrules what your wish are. Case in point is,
your desire to put the Bush policy for prisoners, behind you
and get on with business, yet your cabinet member in
charge of that, is overruling you and going ahead with
an investigation. How is finding out who and why, change
thing? All I see is a huge expense to name names, and
and then what? Nothing will be done except to say shame
on you. You shouldn't have done it, Cheney and Rumsfield.
Let's get on with business of straighten out this country.
It is bad enough that they printed out the report of what
was done for the public to see ...heck the whole world to
see. This would be fine, if we had an equal amount of report
on what the enemy has done... all of it, not just the things
we have seen on television.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
1 comment:
The Attorney General has to have a certain level of independence - otherwise you're putting politics ahead of the judiciary, and you get Alberto Gonzalez.
Beyond that one example, I don't think there's much evidence of Obama's Cabinet going off on their own. I saw an article the other day (maybe on Politico?) that caluclated the number of words Obama has uttered in public since his inauguration, and the conclusion was that he's far more visible than most presidents. Beyond that, Gates gets permission for the things he does (like firing McKiernan), Clinton is mostly in the background, Sibelius has been little more than a mouth piece, Chu is distributing Obama's stimulus funds and being his wonky self, etc. The only real "wall," I think, is that he's left he crafting of health care legislation up to Congress without many concrete suggestions at all - TOO anti-Clinton.
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