I want the days when a kid tries to kiss a girl in the 2nd grad..
not be treated like a sex offender
A kid with camping utensil not be kicked out of school.
Where kids don't get arrested for having a food fight.
where they got sent to the principal and they called your
folks. No child was handcuffed and sent off to jail.
Where kids can still send letters to Santa.
Where a state can't tell you what size or how
many televisions you can own and use. If your
electric bill is high, you paid it, or got rid of the
television on your own.. because you couldn't
afford it anymore. The State didn't decide for you.
Where those who come to this country are proud to go
to night school to learn English, the language of their new
Where we raised the flag, wear the flag, put the flag on
anything we own and not offend anyone, because we
are all proud to be Americans.
Where, when we do something stupid like spill
coffee on ourselves, we don't blame the coffee
maker or maker and sue.
When a kid/teen does a harmless prank,
they don't go to jail. They just have to clean
up the mess.
Where you believe in one political party or
the other, and no one slams your personality.
Where you can say Thank God, when someone
is ok, after a tragic accident, and people aren't
offended because you used the G word.
When you say she for a boat, or man for a hole
in the ground and people don't complain about
sexual remarks.
When men respected woman. And women
respected men. And children respected their
elders. And clean language was the
normal. The others used only in non mixed
Where people said Merry Christmas and Happy
Hanuka without anyone getting offend. You said
it because you honestly wished them that.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
When we had newspapers and not blogs.
yes, John .... we didn't have blogs. I am not sure that wasn't a good thing... I still like my paper in my hand early in the morning with my coffee..
and yes, I can see the humor in that... this wouldn't exist.
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