We, the Independent voter, as we chose the man/woman who we THINK
will be fair and vote for the country and not the party, seem to be gaining ground.
All the graph works you see shows the Independent voter area larger than before.
But are we the silent majority and if we are…are we sitting here not caring for either side,
are we complaining and not voting or haphazardly voting? Well, if that is the case…don’t whine come November 7th (takes a few days for the fur to settle) or beyond? No vote, no rights of complaints is my theory. In fact it is my first question when someone complains. If the answer is no… end of conversation as far as I am concern.. I have no time to listen to someone who didn’t take the time to vote. No excuses.. There are the absentee ballots.
These parties that we have here, are like raising children. The Democrats who tend to
let the child run wild and giving everything to that child. Don’t want to kill their spirit.
The Republicans, are like the old time minister, who keeps that child close. No partying, no music, no dancing no jewelry, nose to the grindstone… close to the shoulder and the answer is always NO.
My fellow independent voter like the pendulum effect of the common sense middle.
I raised my children like that, I live my life like that. Extremes to the
either side doesn’t seem right to me. I have talked about belonging to the Cafeteria
Party, where we walk down the aisle each election, picking from each side. But this year the pickings are thin. We are on the midterms diet. But vote we must. There are local policies to vote on as well as candidates. We need to wade thru the cesspool of ads,
and try to figure out who is best, even if it is the best of the two evils. And try to
understand the policies they want to make or change… if you still don’t understand,
then vote no, at least you won’t be kicking yourself later because you voted yes, and
that was against everything you believe.
I don’t want our country to have a free range, but I don’t want it shut up in the closet either. If we don’t vote, we have no rights to complain… and we deserve what we get, what we didn’t chose to make a decision about.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
You are so right. There are slim picking this year. But I will vote. I have always voted. I agree...if you don't vote, you have no right to complain.
Both sides are behaving like children and cannot be taken seriously. One side is trying to destroy the country and the other side has no answers. Government needs to stay out of our lives and do their job to protect us from harm period. Give back the freedoms that have been taken away from us and liberty and prosperity will take care of it's self. No man and no government will ever take freedom, life, libery or happiness from me.
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