Wednesday, October 19, 2016

The Umbilical cord

I have often joked about the King’s
cell phone being his umbilical cord.
without it.. he is so lost.
Me? I gave up my cell phone almost 14
years ago. I kept leaving it on the table
anyway.. so cancelled it and saved 30
some odd dollars, when I retired. So I don’t care.

But have found my umbilical cord. The
Internet. …  I had to do from Monday night
to Tuesday late morning… without.
I could think of so many things I could do
IF ONLY I had my internet. It wasn’t just
Facebook connecting with my friends and
family, but other things as well..

With the losing of my hearing slowly but surely,
It is easier to communicate with my family by
emails or messages.  So leaving a note that night
was frustrating.    I did find out one of my friends
did miss me as she messaged me ..and wondered
if I was ok.. She is a sweet person…

Funny, when I was down in Portland most of
July and August and part of Sept.. 10 days at
a time with out internet… I was fine.. but at home
It was harder..  Guess because I was so busy
down there.. I didn’t have time to miss it so much,
and had left messages to the ones I talk to the
most that I was going to be gone.

Funny how we become attached to our electronics. 

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