Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The race is on….ELK Season

The race is on….ELK Season

Today is the day of opening season for either sex. For those of you who are living on the East Coast…  Elk is like a large deer. Meat wise it is compared to a cow size. And taste..  Which is ironic as the elk sexes are BULL AND COW..   When the season starts it is bulls only… which was last week..  so here we are about 7 days in.. and it is cow season and that is when it gets serious… meaning you can kill either one of them..  a really open season… It is kind of figured if you don’t get one during cow season..  you are not in a good position..  See there is more of the season.. about week..  /cow season is only 3 days if I recall right.  But there is that week after.. and then there is black powder season, about a week.… But come Nov… it is over.. there is still deer season.. but deer is poor man’s elk.   Elk is more like beef and it is BIG..   Deer is small, and well, it doesn’t taste like anything but venison… if not cooked right, it taste like liver. I like the roast better..  Ken cooks the steaks as he can do it just right.  Me it is a 50-50 deal. But I make a great roast.

So today is the big day..  it is up at 2am.. (NOT ME) so he can get up there with his buddies who camped out.. He comes home at night for a warm bed and shower…  Then they leave camp, and head into the woods..  Because Ken is the senior guy now.. he gets to take the guys and drop them off at the top of the hill or mountain..  and goes down to the bottom and pick them up when they walk thru.. The young guys.. (The under 65 guys.)  Also while waiting for them to come out.. he sits there with his rifle.. and if they scare one his way… He gets to take it down..   the good news is that is near the road…  just about ¼ of a block from the road. So carrying it is not bad.  It is the ones who shoot near mid way.. who have the long haul..  That takes cutting it up in quarters. Load it on your back and head for the truck. Or nearest road so a truck can come get you.   Last year the guys did not get any elk.. only deer. So we are hoping for at least one Elk.   It is split between all he                                      who are hunting with you…  That is the rules of the hunt.  He who helps pack it out, and helps with the processing the meat.. gets a share.

And we women, most of us don’t hunt.. Use to.. when younger..  but now we get to stay home and keep the home fires burning. AND  we get to do as we DARN WELL WANT TO DO..  Some of us read books and drink tea.. watch the shows on tv WE LIKE.. and then there are some, it is party time with the girls..  Either at one’s home or the bars.  Go to shows their husbands wouldn’t be caught dead in..   So you see there is benefits to both sides. 

So here is to a great hunt and all the guys get their tags filled. 


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