Monday, December 09, 2024

Wizard of Oz

Wizard of Oz

My thoughts of late have been on the song in Wizard of Oz.

It is the one where the scarecrow sings..  I WISH I HAD A BRAIN…   Because mine seems to go on vacation from time to time..  use to say..  a  SENIOR MOMENT.. but that is too short of a time for this.  

But I got to admit.. I pass what I have now called Dementia Test..  that is where you sit so nice in your house, writing out a list of stuff you need from the store…   and THEN YOU FORGET IT ON THE COUNTER…   and you don’t discovery this … until you are entering the store.  No, you don’t want to drive home and get it..  So you trudge thru and try to remember what it was on the list.  Closing your eyes and trying to imagine what you see of what you wrote, does not help at all.     And I hate going up and down the aisle trying to see what seems familiar of what you are missing at home.    But I went to the store .. and I searched all of my pockets.. (vest has 4 and jacket has two) NO LIST..   I remember the main thing I wanted as I had just wrote it down before I left.  The others were from a day or two before..   But I AM SOOOOOOOOO PROUD OF MYSELF… I aced it.  I got all 5 items.. (what did you think I was a genius and remember 20? Come on .) At 84.. 5 is good. 

Well, heading in the kitchen to make cookies this am.. Christmas cookies that the King loves..  when I make a big batch.. I have to freeze ¾ of them .. or we will binge eat them..   that is why I only make them once a year..  ok. I am off..  humming  Oh, if only I had a brain……

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