Monday, February 24, 2025

Well, that is scary….

Well, that is scary….

I don’t know if I should have used that title.. or maybe closer would be.. all things that I thought I knew..  I don’t..

Did you happen to watch CBS 60 MINUTES… on Sunday night? The section about the Justice Dept. and the Dept that protects the customer?      If that doesn’t scare you, I guess nothing will.. 

I was taught in school 60+ years ago.. we had 3 sections of Government.. Presidential, Congress and Justice Dept..  that one has not control over the other. Accept Congress can ok who ever the President wants on the Supreme Court.

Well, I guess I was taught wrong.  I guess I don’t know anything..   Since when does the President have the right to clean out the Justice Dept.?  To force them to do things that are not legal nor Constitutional?  If you watched the program, you will know what I am talking about.  A lot of resigned rather than do something that is illegal..   One of which was to drop the charges that New York City has against their Mayor, who had taken bribes among other things.. Reason for the dropping of charges.. because he has agreed with Trump to help get rid of the illegals in the city.

Also I thought if Congress made a Dept..  it was Congress that closes down that Dept.  That too, is not true, from what I got from the show.  Not only it isn’t being done that way..  but in the hunt for misuse of funds..  that a non American can bring in his own crew, and go thru every citizen’s private information. That crew now has possession of every citizens private information.   They know your credit information, they have your SS number… your work information. Anything that you have put on a credit approval papers, is now in their hands..  They have fired the people in the Dept.  and close the doors with only the Musk crew allowed in there..    With ALL OF OUR INFORMATION AT THEIR DISPOSABLE.

IF THAT DOESN’T SCARE THE HELL OUT OF YOU..   I am going to guess that you are ok with that, because Trump ok’d that..    But it SURE THE HELL SCARES THE HELL OUT OF ME.

In the count down of the blog.. this is day 4..  meaning there is 3 more coming before I stop posting…  Haven’t decided if I will ever post anything again.. but I won’t be doing a weekly for sure.   I face this with some sadness.. yet am of the mind set.. 20 years is enough time..


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