I have a friend who went back
to school to be able to keep her job.
That the school district put
demands on the job description,
that one would need more education.
This is just for teachers aides.
Not for a teacher. So this
isn’t even for the big bucks.
Anyway, she did excellent in school.
Great grades. I should ask her if she
did as well in high school 30 years
ago. But it got me to wondering….
Where would we all be today, if we
had applied ourselves to school as
we do today. Are we smarter today
than we were at that time. Has the
school of hard knocks made us
smarter? Maybe we should postpone
colleges.Or do we become more
experienced by the employment?
I personally am not impressed with
college’s. I think they are over rated
and under educating when it comes
to the first 2 years. I believe in trade
schools. (Drs. and Lawyers being the
exception.) Let’s get with the program of
what your job is going to be. Let’s have
classes in what you want to do for a
career. I like to see that started
in high school. Some of it is… I
understand they have a Health class
that heads you towards nursing career.
Last I had heard that they downsized
the auto mechanic classes.
The girls seem to have a better jump on
a job, than guys do.There was always a
business subjects for girls to become
secretaries or bookkeepers. But is
there welding for guys and girls and
the other types of jobs classes? But for the
most part, high school really doesn’t do
a lot of heading our youths towards
a job. And the discipline leaves a lot to be
desire in high schools now. I am not talking
about punishment. I am talking about
showing up for class on time. Dressing
appropriately, Respect for their elders,
meaning teachers. 60% of the class is lacking
all this. So when they go to be interviewed
for a job, they don’t make a good impression.
Some ways it seems things haven’t
changed. College first year. is almost a
repeat of your high school last two years.
In 1986, when one of my sons was going
in to college, to get an education of
computers and even the mechanic of
computers, he wouldn’t be able to touch
a computer for a year and half. To me
that was a waste of time. They should
start off where the kid wants to go job
wise. Trade School would have serve better.
As it was he dropped out, because he
had 2 jobs as well. Ended up getting his
education thru the service.
But I digress… how much more would
you have done, if you had asserted
yourself at the right time of education?
Could you have been a contender? Were
you not, because of your attitude, or
because all you could think of was the
freedom from the parents rules or worse
yet, the financial condition of your
life at the time. After all college and
even trade school, is almost as expensive
as a home now.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
My choice of college and major were to please my parents. At the time I hadn't a clue as to who I was what my strengths may be or even what I wanted to be.
I struggled because of that for years but found my niche and did okay. Could have done better if I had learned how to study and apply myself. Much in High school came too easy.
But a great guy came along and saved me from myself! Ho!
It really depends on the person as to how much you can get out of college. I knew people who KNEW what they wanted to be in junior high. And they went on to do just that. Me, I had no clue. I still don't. I enjoyed my first four years of college just taking different classes. My degree didn't satisfy me, though, so I went on to grad school which was mostly my excuse to get out of California and have a traditional college experience. A trade school would've been better for me (more focus) but I wouldn't have had so much fun. And it's the fun I remember. Plus, I met my wife at college, so....
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