I don’t do resolutions. Learn years
ago, that they don’t work. I guess,
like most people, I am weak and
can’t keep the strong will to finish
up an idea that starts at the first
of each year.
I do try to have modest goals.
Simple ones, like to put more
time into my gardening. That
was last year's goal, and I did.
I do have a motto of sorts. Some
thing that guides me thru life,
that I try my best to do. That
would be a yearly goal…
To do no harm…
While that seems simple enough.
It actually can be hard some times.
To do no harm, by not gossiping
To do no harm, by not thinking
the worse about others.
To do no harm, by judging all sides
of things and people, before I make
up my mind how I feel about it or them.
Well, you get the idea. I guess it
is softer than my old motto which
still applies when needed…. And that
being …..
Illegitimi non carborudum .
All in a Day
16 hours ago
Thanks so much for the link! When we get other links besides cat links set up, your's will be the first one up. Love your motto.
I like that "Illegitimi non carborudum " motto and "To do no harm....
Good words to live by, Cis.
Love 'em both!
I remember the meaning of that!!
Love ya..
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