They say..No sense in complaining
about the weather. Nothing can
be done about it. Well, that takes
a lot out of this blog today then. ha
I know I am getting a bit of cabin fever.
I see things outside I could be doing. But
getting soaked is not one of them. Just
a run to the neighbor's house entitled me
to a pretty soaked shoulders of my
Cabin fever, is something I do get
each year. I don't do well with
rain and etc. This is tea and
magazine reading time for me.
Feel like I am taking the
easy way out. Not doing much.
I love and soak in sunshine.
I live for sunshine. But not the
90 degree type. 65 to 80 is
just fine.
I like rain too. Warm rain,
what I call farmer's rain.
I think I love it more just after
the rain. The clean smell of
the air. Or maybe it isn't
the rain so much but the
clouds and fog that come
with it. I love walking
in the rain in the warm
summer time.
But this doom and gloom
doesn't do much for me.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
The other day when we drove into Bonner County we were greeted with the fog -- it does come back. That creepy crawly feeling that the foggy and gloomy days of the area remind me of. The sunshine was my only solace.
Somewhere there is a link for suntan pills -- maybe that would help! ;-)
sending a little sunshine your way!
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