"You have come a long way, baby"
That was a phase that was used
when I was in my 30's.. Of course,
it referred to a cigarette, but it also
was a idea pushed by the NOW
Organization. In the 1970's there
was a big push for women's rights.
Women's right in the job, women's
rights at home, buying power and
Women's rights not to be harassed
in the work force. Women's rights
to equal pay. Women's rights to
equal opportunities.
The women have come a long way.
There are women CEO's which was
unheard of, unless your father own
the company. But equal pay is
still a stretch.
But what happen to women in
general. I see women in the
work place. But what about,
women. What have they done
for themselves.
Why do women still think that
there has to be a man in their lives,
so much so they will settle for any man.
Not one that they can enjoy living with,
be married as an equal partner.
But the kind that tells them what to
do. Why do women still cling to the
forceful man, the dominating man?
Where is their back bone?
When I was first married, women didn't
have choices. There were not places for
abused women to go. The general public
was of... "what did you do to him to make
him so mad?" attitude. Even some parents,
when you complain about your husband
beating you... "well, you made your bed,
lay in it."attitude.
But this isn't true anymore.
So why do women live like
they do? Why do they let a man
dominate their lives? Why
can't they walk away when
it looks like it is going to be
an abusive situation? We
surely have been shown the
warning signs? I just don't
get it.
In this day and age of
anti-sexual harassment,
anti-abusive partners....
we have NOT come a
long way baby.
Mothers need to teach their
daughters, that the whole
world is out there for them
to do what they want. They
need to teach them at an early
age...7 or 8 years old... and
keep teaching.
Do what job they want...
welding, CEO's,wedding
planner, construction
foreman, or whatever idea's
they can come up with to
start their own business.
The only barrier is their own
And before the people give me
the "You must hate men bit",
the answer is no. There are
some fantastic guys out there
to share your life with. I am
lucky enough to have one.
But women don't HAVE to
have a man. Just like men
don't HAVE to have a woman.
Be whole yourself, before
you decide to blend your
life with a good partner.
Saturday Slight
23 hours ago
Been there, done that, glad I got it right the second time.
the Mama
Man you said a mouth full! Too bad some didn't learn this years ago.
I was never whole until I took Janis Joplin's advice to "be a good man one time to one woman" and was good to Ginny - then I was whole. I would never want to be alone and I don't care if people think I'm dependent or needy or sad. I need my woman. I guess if she died I'd start looking for another one immediately, I don't know, I try not to think about that.
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