Saturday morning I woke up with a sore
throat. One of those kind where you think
some one shot thru your throat with a 22,
from one side to the other.Other than that I felt find.
Got out the oatmeal cookies, and ate one
and found some sore throat meds. And it
was a little bit better. Old wives tale of the
cookies roughing up your throat gently, and
helps it.
Then on with the rest of the day, with
a tinge here and there that the throat was
still there.
Woke up Sunday morning, and there it
was back again. So back to the same
routine, plus some cough meds, that
guarantees no coughing for 8 hours.
Feeling as if I keep my hands to my
self, I could make it thru church.
3/4 of the way thru the sermon, I am
starting to feel awful tired. How does
one keep awake? Why am I so tired?
is the sermon boring?? no it isn't.
And the King is finding great humor in
my nodding.
Finally, the service is over, and we head
for home. I decided to give up and pack it
in. I took some more meds. (ah, makes one
sleepy, no wonder). I told the King I was going
to take a nap. And so I gave into it.
Some where in the fog of my mind, I heard
voices, I hear the puppy bringing her squeaky
toy for us to play. She can't understand why
I would be in bed ... it is daylight. And then
back out I went, in the swirls of clouds in my
head. When I am sick, I want no one ... no one
near me, talk to me, just leave me to die, and if
I survive, I shall come out to see you.
So 5 hours later, I dragged out of bed. The King
made me chicken noodle soup, when he hears my
feet shuffling across the floor. And as I was bent
over the bowl and breathing the steam of it, I wondered
what is it about chicken noodle soup, that makes
us feel better?
Spring where art thou?
Thursday This, That and Throwbacks
10 hours ago
I am sorry to hear you are ill. Take care and get well. Spring will get here soon and then summer.
Sorry your feeling poorly........ hey the daffs are out, spring is almost here :)
You should have stuck with the oatmeal cookies!
Oh Cis, I surely hope this isn't what I had for the entire month of Jan. But with all those roly poly robins, (albeit they are now wearing coats and boots) abounding, spring must be close. Well, from my mouth to Gods ear.
Feel better!
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