To borrow Kenny Rogers words...
"You got to to know when to hold them,
and when to fold them"..
In this day and age, one wonders,
especially if you are dealing with
your stocks.
I use to have a medium
size trust fund. It became a small
trust fund. Cut in half. Which I
personally have a little control over
half of it. And when this happen,
there was no warning. Couldn't do
much if there was. But it was by
reading my quarterly reports that
I saw it chopped in half. No fanfare
thru the media..
Did this happen in the past couple
of weeks? The answer is no... it happen
in 2001. Was it after the 9-11 disaster?
No. It was in February of 2001. And
there was no chicken little attitude in
the media. I wonder why? There was
the fall out of the internet companies.
And that got play, but not how we were
all doing to hell in a hang basket.
So I got to sit here, and hold them. And
wonder how bad this is going to play on
my trust fund.. Which just in the past
year, started to climb back up the ladder.
Not great strides, but steadily growing
If it isn't any worse than before. It only cuts
it in half like before... I guess I will be ok.
Not great. but ok. It seems to me, if people
wouldn't panic and start selling everything,
maybe, just maybe... things would level out.
That is one of the things I do like about Obama.
He has the calming effect on the nation as he
tells everyone, to not to panic, to just hold on.
At least he isn't going around with the chicken
little effect, as some of the other Senators and
the media are. No wonder the people are scared.
As some of you know, I follow Mudflat blog...and
this was of interest.. especially if you need some
background thoughts of what is the I am
sure she will hit upon these subjects...
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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