Modern day technology...
How can we come so far and yet be
so far behind.
We have modern day communication
works in every line of work. Computers,
cell phones and alike. But try to get thru
on land lines (as we call them now) and
it is the biggest headache.
How many times have you tried to call
an office? It is bad enough when you
have to push 1 for this and 2 for that,
and 3 for another.
But when you have the phone tell you
to push the extension of the person you
want... and you don't have that. Or you
do but it sends you to voice mail. Well,
you needed to talk to a person, so it also
tells you, you can go back and talk to the
receptionist. Which you go back, only to
get another voice mail.
The company is getting ready to close. You
need the answer before it closes. What to do?
You can call again, but same thing. Why is this?
Or you are told to call by a certain time. You do,
and that person has left the office for the day, a
minute before. Even though she knew you were
calling at that time. Frustration is an understatement.
I had such a problem with our local high school to
day. I was to call at 3. I called at 3..could have been
3:01 as one doesn't know with clocks. But the voice
mail informed me that the office closes at 3. Well,
she must have ran out of the office. But anyway it
tells me that my other choice is to call the main
receptionist. Which I did. And got a voice mail.
I left a message, but I finally was desperate enough
to drive down there and show up in person where
they had to deal with me. And they wonder why
the parents are irate by the time they get a human.
My daughter spend 3 hours trying to get thru to
a human, even used their email system.. Still nothing.
Ended up in the office.
But it also made me think... what if the caller had
some important information of a pending tragic
happening... angry ex husband or wife? Or
needed to get ahold of a student because of
an accident? Where is the human who use to
answer the phone?
I know the school has 400+ students with the
possibility of 370+ parents, but there has to be
a better system.
Modern technology.. bah, humbug. Raises my
blood pressure.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
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