With the newest out on the Global Warming, it has done more damage
than the warming itself. The lack of trust we all have in the first place and
now with this, will anyone ever really believe anything they say.
I have always suspect their theory's wouldn't hold water anyway. But I
am just an old lady who thinks logical and this just didn't add up logically.
I watched the Gore's movie and it just didn't add up correctly.
I have lived long enough to see the earth change over and over again.
Some times in 20 year cycles and some times in 7. Be it snow storms
or hurricane's or even flooding and even the hot summers and mild winters.
The sad thing about this is the fact that people while throw out the whole
story. And one thing is true, humans are the most wasteful, trashiest, uncaring
for what Mother Nature and the Lord have gave us.
Don't get me wrong, there are some out there and have been for years, who
are trying to clean up the earth. At least in America, any way. Hopefully in
other countries too. And hopefully this won't stop them.
I had gone back home to R.I. to live in the late 1970's. There was a group who
were trying so hard to clean up Narragansett Bay. They had Save the Bay stickers,
and ads every where. It was really hard work to get the people to listen and to
clean up the bay. http://www.savebay.org/Page.aspx?pid=253
See there is a small island called Jamestown that my father
lived on as a boy. We still have relatives there. And ever since the beginning of
time, the people who lived on the island, emptied out their sewerages into the
bay. I was clamming one time with one of the locals... and I saw this pipe about
6 inches around sticking out of the ground above the water level of low tide.
I asked what they were for, as there was one for each house on the bay.
I was horrified to learn that it was a sewer pipe from the house. Emptying
out into the Bay...Been there since beginning of time. The town is over
300 years old.
Since then, thru the fight of Save the Bay, Jamestown put in a new sewage
treatment plant and has upgraded their sewer system. Hopefully everyone is
attached to it. I do know it is illegal to dump sewerage in to the Bay.
There are such organizers for different causes, for different projects, who
really are doing a good job of cleaning up the rivers, lakes, and other sources.
Hopefully this deceitful group did not louse it up for those who are truthful with
their projects. We all need to be careful how we treat our earth.
Saturday Slight
7 hours ago
For myself, I think global warming and cooling is in the Almighty's hands. I'm sure He knows how to manage the climate of this earth. We humans are responsible to do the best we can; sometimes we do and often we don't. But God is still in charge.
I could not agree with you more.
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