What happen in Colorado is horrible.
Did you know that in April there was another one
in that very same town. A man entered a church and
started to shoot... the difference is between these is
the outcome. In the church was an off duty or retired
(I forgot which) police officer. He shot the man before
the man shot another person.
Had there been an concealed weapon person there, who
shot out at the young man, would it have stopped? I don't
know. They would have to figure out fast, that he had
a flak jacket on, and shoot him in the head. Otherwise,
it would have been a shoot out. But 12 people so far
have died, so maybe it would have been the same or even
There is always should have, could have, would have after the
fact. But as we find out that we are not safe in schools, churches,
and now theaters... will here be more people getting concealed
weapon permits?
I know that with all the crash in the door, and rob people going on
in Spokane, city about 70 miles east of us... there has been more
and more women who are talking about taking shooting lessons, and
getting permits.
I still am not comfortable hooting a gun yet. Not to that point yet.
I use to shoot guns in the past, but got away from doing it. And
if you aren't sure, you are a fool to carry a gun. But there are a
lot of women who are taking the classes.
I would like to see the laws we have enforced... so many times there
is plead bargains and such. Let's use the laws we have, before we make
more news ones that won't be enforced.
All in a Day
16 hours ago
What if several others in the crowd had had guns. How many more might have been killed in the crossfire?
that too, Betty, but figured most would be on the floor.. and hopefully if you have a gun in a public place, and a conscelled weapon permit, you have been thru classes and don't shoot wild.
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