Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Memorial Day for all...

Every year the King and I put flowers on his family graves as well as my deceased husband Marvin… 

It is hard to understand why so many make a big deal out of making Memorial Day .. veterans only…  As I was not raised that way.
My father started taking me to the cemetery to help him plant flowers on this family graves, when I was a small child… There were many people who also planted flowers on their family graves.  The family had very little military graves..  So it has been a great puzzlement to me, to have it only for those and not the rest.

I guess those who are picky feel that Memorial Day is for the dead military, and Veterans Day is for the live Vets. 

I also heard the night before Halloween is called All Soul Eve.. and you go to take treats to the graves to scare away the evil spirits, as you celebrate with your deceased family member..  Kind of creep to me.. but to each their own…   And as for me.. my family will mourn  and remember for ALL those who have past.

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