Tuesday, February 11, 2025

HOLY COW, ........IT IS COLD….


The rest of the nation has been cold all winter.. and to be honest.. we usually have it cold as well.  But we have been getting away with fair temps..  Meaning mostly mid 30’s.. even a couple low 40’s..  And usually about the 2nd week of January we have a deep freeze.  But this year..  we have little snow to go with the mild temps.

But while January went out like a lamb.. February has made up for it.. We have had snow several times..  up to a foot (while that too is not much for us) and now we are going to the 0  and hit to below 0 for a couple of days..  I even found my longjohns..  Haven’t wore those for years..  in fact I kind of wondered if they were going to fit.  So it is opening up the cupboards below the sinks..  turn the faucets on to a mild drip..   And snuggling another blanket, please.  I think even the dog will be under the covers tonight. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

Another day being just me…


Another day being just me

 I looked in the mirror to see, and  what do I see?

I see an old lady who is me..

My father once said as he left his bathroom..  I am so tired of that old man who keeps hogging the mirror.  I can’t see me any more. As he takes over the whole mirror. Will I ever get to see me anymore?  And we laughed.   Dad was 82 at the time.(1994)   And I will be 85 this year.  And now I see what he meant as I, too, have another person hogging my mirror. 

As I looked at the old lady, I told her … I don’t recognize you anymore.   No wonder I don’t look in the mirror  anymore…

I whisk in and out..   brushing my teeth…. Wash my face and look up to see for sure I got it all washed.   Paying little attention to that old lady called me..

But today.  I stopped and really looked.  I could not believe how old  I looked …who was looking at the me of now.

As I looked I could see the real me..  I told God, I didn’t know what his plan was.. but  I sure would like to see my 5th generation, that is arriving this summer..  before I met up with him.  But what ever his plan is.. is ok with  me.

I told him a few other things on my mind.. that is just between he and I.. and thanked him for another day…  just to be me.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Hang on to your hats …

Hang on to your hats ….

We are due some heavy winds today.. and also some more snow.. then add drop of temps for us..  add that phase I don’t care for..

WIND CHILL FACTOR.. making it -0…    See WIND CHILL FACTOR translate to me….as… DAMN COLD.. 

Guess Mother Nature is running late this year. As we usually have a big snow storms in January.  And we had little to nothing.. a few inches here and there..  and then warm up and rain.. and back to brown grass again.. 

Seems the rest of the country especially down South..  it was been winter since Christmas..  In fact there were places that had a foot of snow … who had not seen snow for years..  10 to 20 years… Now they are going to get 70 to 80 degrees..  California who had the huge fire..  actually still have the fire.. and now warming up, raining..  do we hear mud slides? 

Talk about a messed up year for weather..  Don’t know if that is the climate change they are talking about..  or what we older ones call the 20 year sessions..  That is where a horrible weather condition shows up every 20 years.. 

So those of you in this weather pattern..  HANG ON TO YOUR HAT..

Guess that could be said about our government with the changes that are said then taken back .. temporary.. or what ever..

Monday, February 03, 2025

We are on the count down… 33 days and counting

We are on the count down… 33 days and counting

Well, I am actually going to do it..   20 years is enough.. the only thing that scares me is.. if and I will.. quit writing the blog… will I increase my chances of dementia.. They say the inactive brain works.. brings it on faster..  Now I have already notice some dumb slip ups.. but I keep telling myself, it is just old age.. after all the 84 year old brain doesn’t keep up as well as …say the 60 year old.  Or even the 70 year old.

I even thought of ending this one next month.. on schedule that I set.. and start a new one..  but a one of not opinions....  when I think of it..   I wanted to call it … THIS IS OUR AMERICA   I almost put down This is MY America.. but it isn’t just mine.. it is OURS..   One that we all remember.. and there is still some of it out there.  

I would put in it.. different times and stories about people who don’t get in the news often..  Because out there.. there is still AMERICA.. and REAL AMERICANS.. 

They are the ones who harnessed up their mules and loaded up supplies to take up into the hills of North America, after the hurricane..  No one told them to do it.. They just saw a need..  Maybe one of their friends lived up there in that area..  and then they figured they would try to help out all of the neighbors.   THAT IS OUR AMERICA.. and thank God it is still alive and well.

We see it in all kinds of disasters…  Canadians who drove down to California.. and Mexican firefighters who left Mexico to help out..And our men and women went there to help in disasters…  Will they be still wanting to come with our new administration tarriffing them?  What about all the different states who sent men and equipment to California and after 3 week are just starting to head home.?  THAT IS OUR AMERICA..

So you see, that is what I have in mind..  don’t know if I can find enough stories..  really would love to hear about some local..  in our own little towns… 

But we will see..  give me a few weeks after I finish this one.. and I might think about doing it..

But got to tell you..  I am kind of glad that I am quitting..  as I have used this form, for my soap box from time to time..  When ever someone or government gives us the shaft..  I put in my two cents worth..  And with the way our country is going .. I know I would not be able to keep my mouth shut..  It is killing me that this government and the man who 62% was (I think that is what it was) voted in to lead us.. is giving the shaft to our local ally’s..   How can we just in general.. say this to Canada?  Mexico?   Sure there has been the border problems.. mostly from Mexico..  but were there no meetings?  Just threats.. some say bluffing..  I don’t know.. but I do not like it. These are the countries that        would have stood up for us… in the world..  who have stood BY US.. man for man in foreign lands for over 100 years.. To slap them in the face.. and say you are doing it my way or the highway..  I just can’t hack it.. I believe in friendship, I believe that you can sit down and talk about differences..  and maybe have to compromise on all sides.   To split us up..  THE AMERICAS.. not a good thing.  And how much commerce will be lost if Canada decides to sell the oil to Russia and a few others..   What if Mexico follows Canada..  This is not the time to pee on your friends shoes….folks.   but that is just my own opinion..  

See .. what I mean..  that I won’t be able to keep my opinion to myself?  Yep, it is getting time to hang up the shoes.  And pick up my hat.. and bide you all good bye.. 20 years is enough.



Tuesday, January 28, 2025

This I am finding out is true..

This I am finding out is true.. 

Have come to realize that if you have a Facebook page.. You are not in charge of it..   In other words..   My page..  My rules..

Got accused of not letting others opinions, that mine are the only ones that I allowed.. I am a real badass if I say I don’t want them to comment on mine..  Seems the only way I can do that…  is if I defriend that person..  but how do you do that.. when it is your own kid?   Who has blown up my page time and time

I taught my kids to stand up for what they believe.. Just be sure the have your facts correct..   To do the research to make that so, before you stand up..   Never dreaming it would come back to bite me.  Respect for ones parent goes out the window.. 

Had it been one time.. or even one remark about how that child did not believe as I do..  I could handle.. but to have over 20 remarks.. some other joining in.  on both sides..  is a bit too much for me.. So I have deleted post time and time again..  at least 20 in the past 9 years..   In case you haven’t figure it out..  and BIG  disagreement is politics..   THE KID…LOVE TRUMP..   and those who know me, know I have no respect for that person..  Trump.  Did not like him, the first time around..  Figured he was history after the Jan. 6 deal..  and then insulting the black and the Port Ricans and women..  but blown away..  THEY VOTED FOR HIM.. Why I don’t know..   But the people have spoken..  So be it..  But I still think I have the right to say as I believe.. with out being criticized.

NOW I KNOW WHY MY PARENTS..  in the 1940 to 1980’s said two subject never to discuss..    Politic and Religions..  OH GOD.

This nation is going to get a lot worse.. just in the few things he has already started in the first week..  

I had told my children who voted for him… that I hope they were right.. that he will be everything they think he will do and be..  Told them I would be glad to apologize.. if I am wrong..  But this week has been a dozy.   When a Minister ask for compassion and kindness to be threaten by his words and followers..   To have neighbors encourage to turn in their long time neighbors to ICE.. 

To talk about how he is going to fix it so he can run again.. 

BIG SIGH…  LORD GOD,, please please watch over our nation. 

If the can do this much in a week..  God help us this coming 4 years.

OH..  AND DON’T HANG UP ON YOUR KIDS… they don’t take that well..


Sunday, January 26, 2025

Fast moving, slow winter..

Fast moving, slow winter..

Here we are in the down hill side of January already.  Yet is seems like day to day, it is moving slowly..  But I think most of that is me.  I find my gait is slower..  Even my balance isn’t 100%. I have not fallen yet..   but I notice I am not as steady as I use to be. 

If I could find a Tia Chi class..  I think I would be interested it in. I heard it is great for regaining your balance as a senior citizen. 

I have found one plus to life.. In a conversation about nerve pain and etc.. I learn that if one takes vit. D-3..it helps..  I thought of the pain I have had for over 15 years.. getting worse in the past 5. Thought ..  yea right..  that sounds too easy..   But I was at Walmart getting some of my vit.. and I looked at the D-3.. and the price was fairly cheap..  I held it in my hand for a few minutes.. and then tossed it in the cart.. It was less than $10 and for 30 of them. So I figured that is cheap enough to give it a try.. If after a month, nothing happens.  No big deal..  I really did not think it was going to help. 

Well, I will tell you..  it does.   It really does.  It worked the first day.  And ever day since.  I have been on it for over 2 weeks.. and it is still working..  

Now I am not going to tell you that it is the cure all for my leg pains.  But all this time, I knew it was not bone related.  My husband tried to get me to go to the chiropractor.. But it is not my bones…  I kept telling him.. it is some what my muscles or what ever and definitely the nerves in my legs .. big time. I still have the muscle part.. but I have figured out that.. is only about 1/3 of the problem..  the nerves is 2/3 of the problem.   I am so much more active..  At least I don’t have to sit and relax for 10 minutes before I start off again..  I just can’t do distance, because the tendons  or what ever it is in the muscle area.. but this sure beats what I had.  You might want to try it.. sure cheap enough.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025



That about sums it up for yesterday… and this year with the frost.. even more so..  NO PARADE..  

His wife wearing black? Is that an omen?   To be fair.. most of these are all pomp and circumstances.. but this one more so, from what I saw on the news..

We watched old shows.. most of them MTV westerns.. and I finished my boring book of 900 pages ..  I had read 200.. but I finished it today..  (skipped a lot of bs of it )a  book called Cecelia…. the English, and in the 1920’s?  and it is written in the wording of that age .. where they talk funny..  Even skipping to the end part by the time I got thru 300…  it still was boring and stupid.. but it did kill time. 

So to me the last great day of January 20th.. was in the words of ASK NOT WHAT YOUR COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU… AS WHAT CAN YOU DO FOR YOUR COUNTRY!... and if  I have to tell you who said that..   then you are too young to understand.

And what did the lip reader say, that Obama said to Bush that made Bush laugh?


Monday, January 20, 2025


 Borrowing from FDR’S DAY OF IMFAMY SPEECH..

As I borrow a line from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s…  from his speech…   THIS DATE.. January 20, 2025…  will it be  a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America for the second time..    Or will it be a dud…

Already has some bad omens to it..   while it isn’t the first inaugural that has been done inside..  it won’t be the grand outside in front of God and everyone..  for the crowd to see.. as this man would like.  But weather seems to take and make its own mind up.. 

So far..  the parade is on hold, unless they come up with something..  Again ..  not what the new Pres. would like as he like pomp and circumstances.  If he had his way, he would have the military there with all their hardware, as China, North Korea and Russia do..  But it is what it is..  

I won’t be watching.. I have seen enough of these circuses.. in my 84 years..  So I will watch it on the nightly news the short verse,  as they will have it on to watch over the course of the day..  The King  can stay away from watching them, we have enough channels to pick from that won’t have it on....   I will be reading my book of 900 pages..  200 down and 700 more to go..

The scary part is .. what is done in private..  Or they might have a camera man or two..  that is the signing of the Presidential pardons and Executive Orders.. of which there is a report of their being close to 100 that they say he has to fill out..  He better sign them fast.. as he has the many balls to go to by 6pm.. 

Many Americans..  waiting for this day to happen.  It is their greatest joy…   Many AMERICANS..  are scared to death of what will happen for the next 4 years..  and dread this day… and they aren’t all Democrats.. 

Most of us older ones.. those 80 and older..  are asking God’s help. And have lived thru many of un-liked Presidents..  Some did not like Carter  .. well most Republicans..  Some did not like Ford, thought he was a buffoon  and there were some who thought that Kennedy would take his orders from the Pope..   and we 80 and more.. made it thru those time..   and I am sure we will make it thru this time as well.  The main part is praying the nut cases who think the only way to solve anything..  is with  gun, will cool their jets..

So those who meet this day with Joy..   I hope it is a good day for you..   For the rest of us..  we hope and pray for peace and compassion..  And pray for the next 4 years..  the  UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…. is still all in one piece.

With that many billionaires helping Trump, it isn’t going to be good for the under $65,000 a year earners. 

I suspect there is going to be a lot of deaths before it is over..  Those who are coming across our borders.. those who fight with the other side of the political party…  and hopefully not with any country who thinks this is a good time to take advantage of our country when it seems to be its lowest point.

For me..  I will stay in touch with my God.. May God watch over our country and her people.. ALL OF HER PEOPLE..

Sunday, January 19, 2025





Update..  Husband got the MRI.. Friday…   so between car’s in the garage and that was a mess. To health things..   as you can see, I didn’t dance fast enough to do Tuesday’s post…  hopefully I do better next week..

Monday, January 13, 2025

Once again.. dancing as fast as I can

Once again.. dancing as fast as I can

We are in the mode of helping family..  which usually runs into what I call the DANCING AS FAST AS I CAN..  MODE..

This time it is rotation of vehicles..   giving mine to our granddaughter so hers can be fixed..  Now we have to hit the pro’s as the guys can’t figure out why it chose to run some times and not other..   Ruling out bad battery,  it is not..  bad connections to the battery.. it is not..    So today, her car goes in to the shop..  So yesterday the King traded out cars, so she can get the boys to school and her to work..  while the car is in the shop. 

In the meantime the brakes have gone out in our big truck.. so appt. for it is on Thursday..  After having it the shop last week, for transmission flush that was due..  Plus picking up boys ..from school..  making sure Dad picks them up and brings them back the following day..  So Mom can get them to the next program..

On top of all this.. we are dealing with dr. and hospitals and etc..  phone calls going back and forth.. as THE KING twisted his back 2 weeks before Christmas..  Only to find out he can’t get an MRI until he has a Xray..  according to insurance rules.. Which by the way they advertise on TV… no referrals needed..   you know the ad where the woman is at the dr.  and he ask her why she was there.. she said to get a referral.. he says she doesn’t need one.. she says “yes, I do” after 3 rounds of that… he says, “with PACIFIC SOURCE YOU DON’T NEED A REFFERAL…  AND SHE SAYS… I don’t have Pacific Source, so I do have to have a referral.. and then the ad goes on to repeat that..   THEY LIED… The King needed not only a referral.. but he needed a Xray one first before they would consider a MRI.. all of this we found out 4 days of going down to the hospital..  and then phone calls. Then going down to the dr. office getting the referral from the dr. and back to the hospital to be told that is fine.. but we need the insurance co .. ok..but they would contact the dr. office to get that.. and get back to him..   they didn’t  .. he called. Finally it came down the line.. Xray first. And yes. Go get it NOW.. 15 minutes before they closed …with the slowest check in clerk ever, before he can actually go to the xray dept..   Trying to keep him calm as he is upset at the slowness…  I asked her, if I could stay and do the paper work and let him go.. NOPE.  Got a routine.. going with the routine..  HUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM..  FINALLY..  the paper work is done.. AND I,  the old nurses aide who never dies.. took him on the faster wheelchair ever to get to the dept.    Have to wait until today.. for Dr. report..  but Nurse did l tell him, when he called AGAIN.. it involves his L 3   L4  vertebrae … PATINENCE IS NOT MY HUSBAND’S FINEST POINT.. 

 SO… TODAY ..  is my husband waiting for a call from the dr. to find out what to do now?  MRI?…  physical therapy? Or what? And also waiting to hear what is wrong with the granddaughter’s car and please LORD.. have it be less than $500..  



Tuesday, January 07, 2025

We have nothing to FEAR but FEAR itself.. words by Franklin Roosevelt

We have nothing to FEAR but FEAR itself..   words by Franklin Roosevelt

The count down is coming…  January 20, 2025 ……  

Two weeks… 2 weeks more for those to be fretting..  to be scared of what will happen once Trump is in again.. And this time a bigger potential of doing harm as he has nothing to fear. Before he tried to be fairly decent..   (I know that is questionable by a lot of people, who endured his last time around) .. after all he was hoping to be elected in 2020, so had to be somewhat decent… in order to win.    This time.  there is no reason to fear, as he KNOWS he won’t be elected again.. ( I know in his mind and some other, they think they can bypass this.. and it is a reality…. as look at the Congress we have, the weakest, no back bone one I have seen in … like forever..)..  So he will wreck havoc .. with all the changes he will make.  So there is a lot of people who are truly in FEAR…. 

But as Franklin Roosevelt said..  WE HAVE NOTHING TO FEAR BUT FEAR ITSELF.  I hope he was right.  

I use to tell my kids..   to NOT TO BORROW TROUBLE.   .. meaning not to worry about things until they actually happen. It is ok to be ready for it.. to figure out what is the worse that can happen..   and what would you do if…. If it did?  Because if you have a plan on how to face the worse that can happen.. you are ready..  if it doesn’t happen.. no problem.. and you did not waste your time being fearful. 

We have fear of how it will effect us.. our jobs, our state, our lives on a daily bases..  Fear of our country, fear of our Congress..  and fear of what the other countries will try to do. Fear of the Republican party…. Fear of the Democrat party.. Fear of losing our home…  Fear for our family… So much, we humans fear.

Maybe a quote that would help…. Dune’s quote by author …..  Frank Herbert     Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

 But myself..  I have someone who will walk thru this with me..  Will he be able to keep the nation on an even keel?  Will he be able to have a better Congress elected in 2027?  I do not know.. 

But I do know..  he will walk with me thru it.  Even if he can’t change things..  He will stay by my side, as I endure it..

And for some..  that is not enough…  sadly..   But  me… my God will comfort me.. walk beside me..  some times with his arm around me..  And I and my family will survive..   At least that is how I will handle the fear that comes my way.




Monday, January 06, 2025

Happens every year at this time…

Happens every year at this time…

Every year at the beginning of the year..  I start having thoughts of ending the blog..   and yet after a week or a month.. before March 5th.. I make the decision to continue.. one time deciding to do it twice a week instead of every day or 5 days a week.. But this time is different.    See .. come March 5th.. it will be 20 years..  And to be honest with you… 20 years is more than enough.  My reader ship has changed over the years..  In stead of 40 to 60 readers in the beginning..   and with the help of Dave Oliveria ( who got me into this mess..  along with Marianne Love) and his HBO. Column/blog.. sending many of them..   I now have an average of 8 to 11.. and once in a while I will hit up to 20 or even 30.. but those days are really rare.  Some of them coming from my Facebook page.   There has been some who have come and gone… actually I would be totally surprised if there was anyone who actually has been reading this from the beginning.   There are those who went away, but check back a couple times a year..  There are a few new ones who come across my name of the blog on Google.


So you see.. it is time to go..  time to still be kind of a winner.. after all if there is still 11 of you out there who actually read this.. maybe not each day I put it up.. but maybe once a week or once a month?  So,   boy I use that little word a lot, SO.. this is going to be the last two months.. After all this is January 6th.

Hopefully I can still find something of interest for you to read.  I am always grateful for those who do follow me. Don’t want to let you down at the end.   I started it for a soap box.. but also for source of sense of humor about my life.. as I screw it up from time to time..  So hopefully some of it you found funny. So hang in there.

a foot note..  as I published this..  the past couple of weeks came up.. and the average was acually 15!!!  some were 22..  some were 12..  but wow..  No, still time to go.. 20 years is enough..