Borrowing from FDR’S DAY OF
As I borrow a line from Franklin D. Roosevelt’s… from his speech… THIS DATE.. January 20, 2025… will it be a date which will live in
infamy -- the United States
of America for the second time.. Or will it be a dud…
Already has some bad omens to it.. while it isn’t the first inaugural that has
been done inside.. it won’t be the grand
outside in front of God and everyone..
for the crowd to see.. as this man would like. But weather seems to take and make its own
mind up..
So far..
the parade is on hold, unless they come up with something.. Again ..
not what the new Pres. would like as he like pomp and
circumstances. If he had his way, he
would have the military there with all their hardware, as China, North Korea
and Russia
do.. But it is what it is..
I won’t be watching.. I have seen enough of these
circuses.. in my 84 years.. So I will
watch it on the nightly news the short verse,
as they will have it on to watch over the course of the day.. The King
can stay away from watching them, we have enough channels to pick from
that won’t have it on.... I will be
reading my book of 900 pages.. 200 down
and 700 more to go..
The scary part is .. what is done in
private.. Or they might have a camera
man or two.. that is the signing of the
Presidential pardons and Executive Orders.. of which there is a report of their
being close to 100 that they say he has to fill out.. He better sign them fast.. as he has the many
balls to go to by 6pm..
Many Americans..
waiting for this day to happen.
It is their greatest joy… Many
AMERICANS.. are scared to death of what
will happen for the next 4 years.. and
dread this day… and they aren’t all Democrats..
Most of us older ones.. those 80 and older.. are asking God’s help. And have lived thru
many of un-liked Presidents.. Some did
not like Carter .. well most
Republicans.. Some did not like Ford,
thought he was a buffoon and there were
some who thought that Kennedy would take his orders from the Pope.. and we 80 and more.. made it thru those
time.. and I am sure we will make it
thru this time as well. The main part is
praying the nut cases who think the only way to solve anything.. is with
gun, will cool their jets..
So those who meet this day with Joy.. I hope it is a good day for you.. For the rest of us.. we hope and pray for peace and
compassion.. And pray for the next 4
years.. the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA…. is still
all in one piece.
With that many billionaires helping Trump, it
isn’t going to be good for the under $65,000 a year earners.
I suspect there is going to be a lot of deaths
before it is over.. Those who are coming
across our borders.. those who fight with the other side of the political
party… and hopefully not with any
country who thinks this is a good time to take advantage of our country when it
seems to be its lowest point.
For me.. I
will stay in touch with my God.. May God watch over our country and her
people.. ALL OF HER PEOPLE..