This I am finding out is true..
Have come to realize that if you have a Facebook page.. You are not in charge of it.. In other words.. My page.. My rules..
Got accused of not letting others opinions, that mine are the only ones that I allowed.. I am a real badass if I say I don’t want them to comment on mine.. Seems the only way I can do that… is if I defriend that person.. but how do you do that.. when it is your own kid? Who has blown up my page time and time
I taught my kids to stand up for what they believe.. Just be sure the have your facts correct.. To do the research to make that so, before you stand up.. Never dreaming it would come back to bite me. Respect for ones parent goes out the window..
Had it been one time.. or
even one remark about how that child did not believe as I do.. I could handle.. but to have over 20
remarks.. some other joining in. on both
sides.. is a bit too much for me.. So I
have deleted post time and time again..
at least 20 in the past 9 years..
In case you haven’t figure it out..
and BIG disagreement is
politics.. THE KID…LOVE TRUMP.. and those who know me, know I have no
respect for that person.. Trump. Did not like him, the first time
around.. Figured he was history after
the Jan. 6 deal.. and then insulting the
black and the Port Ricans and women..
but blown away.. THEY VOTED FOR
HIM.. Why I don’t know.. But the people
have spoken.. So be it.. But I still think I have the right to say as
I believe.. with out being criticized.
PARENTS.. in the 1940 to 1980’s said two
subject never to discuss.. Politic and
Religions.. OH GOD.
This nation is going to get a lot worse.. just in the few things he has already started in the first week..
I had told my children who
voted for him… that I hope they were right.. that he will be everything they
think he will do and be.. Told them I
would be glad to apologize.. if I am wrong..
But this week has been a dozy.
When a Minister ask for compassion and kindness to be threaten by his
words and followers.. To have neighbors
encourage to turn in their long time neighbors to ICE..
To talk about how he is going
to fix it so he can run again..
BIG SIGH… LORD GOD,, please please watch over our
If the can do this much in a
week.. God help us this coming 4 years.
OH.. AND DON’T HANG UP ON YOUR KIDS… they don’t take that well..