Monday, January 06, 2025

Happens every year at this time…

Happens every year at this time…

Every year at the beginning of the year..  I start having thoughts of ending the blog..   and yet after a week or a month.. before March 5th.. I make the decision to continue.. one time deciding to do it twice a week instead of every day or 5 days a week.. But this time is different.    See .. come March 5th.. it will be 20 years..  And to be honest with you… 20 years is more than enough.  My reader ship has changed over the years..  In stead of 40 to 60 readers in the beginning..   and with the help of Dave Oliveria ( who got me into this mess..  along with Marianne Love) and his HBO. Column/blog.. sending many of them..   I now have an average of 8 to 11.. and once in a while I will hit up to 20 or even 30.. but those days are really rare.  Some of them coming from my Facebook page.   There has been some who have come and gone… actually I would be totally surprised if there was anyone who actually has been reading this from the beginning.   There are those who went away, but check back a couple times a year..  There are a few new ones who come across my name of the blog on Google.


So you see.. it is time to go..  time to still be kind of a winner.. after all if there is still 11 of you out there who actually read this.. maybe not each day I put it up.. but maybe once a week or once a month?  So,   boy I use that little word a lot, SO.. this is going to be the last two months.. After all this is January 6th.

Hopefully I can still find something of interest for you to read.  I am always grateful for those who do follow me. Don’t want to let you down at the end.   I started it for a soap box.. but also for source of sense of humor about my life.. as I screw it up from time to time..  So hopefully some of it you found funny. So hang in there.

a foot note..  as I published this..  the past couple of weeks came up.. and the average was acually 15!!!  some were 22..  some were 12..  but wow..  No, still time to go.. 20 years is enough..

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