Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Clean underwear and dirty hands….

Clean underwear and dirty hands….

As I sat in the Emergency room at the local hospital on Thursday… I looked down at my hands….. and the thought of my mother came in mind.. Her one of many sayings was.. as sure as your mother said the same…. “ALWAYS WEAR CLEAN UNDER WEAR, YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU WILL HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL”.  She didn’t mention clean hands.. lol..

Guess I should back up and start at the beginning… of why was I in the ER?

I was cleaning out the shed, like I do every year.. take every thing out and get rid of stuff… hopefully… and then put back what I am keeping.  I started out with a shelf that had not been gone thru for a couple years.. don’t know why it got skipped.. if anything more stuff when on it. 
I got it all removed and piled out on the walk way for the King to go thru things.. and for me to go thru my stuff.   The shelves were pretty dirty, so went and got a bucket with cleanser and water and washed them down.. 

So while waiting for it to dry.. I had the ladder from the shed out.. and had laid it up against the hot tub building.. Which seem applicable as the King and I had talked about how the sawdust from the mill across the highway, was building up on top.. So we need to hose down the top.  So why not do it now.. I can stand on a ladder and hose it down.

I had done one side .. up and down 3 times but still there is some in the middle… So I put the ladder on the other side near the middle.. Got a lot out..but still more.. So moved the ladder over, and turn it towards the top, but backed it off about 2 inches so I could get around the over hang better.

I climbed up, sprayed.. took the broom I was using and washed back and forth.. but couldn’t quite reach the spot.. So I looked down.. and figure if I were to stand on the very top part…………….you know where it says THIS IS NOT A STEP… DO NOT USE THIS AS A STEP….. I stepped up, and started to use the broom…     Ok, so you THINK, I fell off the ladder, don’t you… don’t you… well, you would be right..  down I went on my back, and hitting my head a little.
I laid there.. and thought that is going to leave a mark.. 
So being the aide that I am.. I did my assessment… I moved my feet.. ok..  then my legs and knees……ok… then my arms… and hands… then my shoulders.. ALL OK!!! NO BROKEN BONES… yahoo… so I will just get up.. NOPE, that wasn’t going to happen, as I was dizzy as hell. And even on all 4’s it was not good. So I laid down… said something to the fact …. IS THERE ANYONE AROUND??? Half hoping there wasn’t as this was embarrassing.  And I got my wish..no one was..  So waited a few minutes.. and got up on my hands and knees..  Was kind of ok… not great.. but ok.. so I figured I was safe crawling up the walk way to the deck.. That went ok.. up the steps and into the house… Got to the chair and just kneeled there, took the phone and called the King… NO ANSWER… I knew he was at his brother’s (45 miles away) so called his brother’s house..  His wife answered as I was thinking.. well my brain is still working, as I knew to call his brother’s house when he didn’t answer.. so that is good.    She has caller id, so she says HI… how you doing? I asked if Ken was there and she said yes…  she says, are you alright….  I told her I wasn’t sure, that I had fallen off the ladder and was wobbly..  She screamed.. my husband’s name.. and that I had fallen off the ladder.. he came in and took the phone.. I am trying to calm him down.. as I didn’t want him to speed home..  told him I was ok.. didn’t break anything.. was just sitting there… I WILL BE RIGHT HOME.. and he hung up.    S-i-l calls back. Seems her husband, the brother was following the King home.. to make sure he was not freaking out.  ????  what was he going to do if he is in a different truck???   Any ho…  he came home, says WE ARE GOING TO THE ER!!!!!... told him, I thought maybe that might be a good idea, as I was still wobbly…  but I wanted to change my clothes as they were wet from the hose.  So he help me get in to change my clothes….. and of course clean underwear.. haha….  Off the the ER we go..

Now you are probably aware of what happens next.. he can ONLY drop me off.. HE has to sit in the car on the street … not allowed to come in.. could not park in the ER parking lot as that is where the tents were.. for testing for the virus…
Long story short.. they did all the questions and checking me out.. then sent me up to get xray of my head and image of my back..or maybe it was the other way around.  I asked them to call the King as I knew he would be worried.. He has never had to wait for me at a hospital or even go to the hospital with me.. or the Dr.  he is the one who goes and I am the one who does the paper work and waits..  So I knew with no one with him… he would be worried..  I gave his cell phone number so they could call him..  but the young nurse guy went out and talked him.. told him about the xrays and etc.. and as soon as they got to read those.. if nothing is wrong.. I should be out soon..  And I was..  Seems the head was ok, which I already told them there was nothing in there.. but the back xray came back with a squished cushion that separtates your bones in your spine.. which was not bad.. but not good either.. Mention something about a T 6 when he drew the diagram of it..  May be painful for a while.

Well it is.. I don’t do pain meds per say.. meaning I will take Aleve, or something like that.. they said Tyodonal is better, but turns out we only had one pill.. So went with the Aleve. 
So I have been told NO LADDERS… something about 80 year olds not being up on ladders.. I asked for how long a couple weeks?  He said no.. never…  (I thought to my self, like that going happen.. lol)

So the kids have all called in..  with phases of WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING??  Tell them.. I thought it was a good idea at the time..  NO MORE LADDERS..  OMG..I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU DID THAT?  (why, people fall off ladders all the time)…  When I told them I had been up and down it several times.. around the building.. and did well, it was just the last one I was doing, that didn’t go well.. WELL, IT IS THE LAST TIME.. STAY OFF LADDERS..  Geesh.. bunch of bossy kids..  lol.. 

So there is the tale.. of clean underwear and dirty hands.. as they were dirty from the cleaning of the shed… and didn’t think about them as I was getting ready to go to the ER..

Sooooooooooooo… how is your summer going?


Marlena said...

Your kiddos are absolutely correct...��. I am a, "if you want something done right, do it yourself" kinda person. I feel for ya. Hugs and hope you feel better soon.

Word Tosser said...

EXACTLY, MARLENA ... Ken said he would do it for 2 weeks.. and didn't .. so I did. but should have used my head a little more. lol... like find a taller ladder. lol