Tuesday, September 08, 2020

Life now is like a divorce….

Life now is like a divorce….

Not a nasty divorce, but a hurtful one, never the less…

Divorce from our former life.  As we see pictures of our life

“BEFORE”  as we remember our lives ‘BEFORE”

And like a divorce..  you know it will never be the same.

And as you look at the pictures of the freedom of your families

life, the ache of missing it, is still there. 

For me is the pictures taken at a time I called MEET ME AT THE BEACH.

You can see it in my past post in 2015.  The freedom we had. Running on the beach.

Sitting in a round circle at the beach for hours, catching up with each others lives.

I had turn 75. It was a glorious time.  Children, grandchildren. And their spouses and even great grandchildren.  Or the 2010 when I turn 70 and we celebrated in Hawaii.. going to all kinds of places and great restaurants…

I wanted to do it again this year… I turned 80. Pretty special when you consider a lot of people don’t make it to that age.. especially in the good health I am blessed with. My father barely made it past, my mother and brother and several cousins did not..  So a great celebration and see the grandchildren and great-granchildren 5 years older… Also was going to throw in the youngest and oldest child… as they aged to 50 and 60.. it was going to be a great celebration for all..


My birthday amounted to a few calls of Happy Birthday… The King and I going down to my favorite Mexican Restaurant, telling them, what I wanted for dinner, at the door….and them coming out to give it to me in a bag…  I turn to the car, the King inside…waiting.. and I looked at the bag.. I could have bawled… this is it?  Yep, it is… Put on my happy smile so the King wouldn’t feel bad.. We did the same the day before for his birthday.

Yep, like walking by your ex… and being sad of how things turn out for us all.

The divorce from your former life. Divorce from common sense.. and to some point civility.

Looking at the pictures of what was..  Children being raised in better times. The freedom they had to run over the hill and play in the gravel pit… the freedom to hike in the woods, The grown up and having children of their own.. The freedom to go to dinner anytime or where they wanted to go.. 

Oh the memories of such a life…. And like a divorce, you wonder if you will ever love again… Or will life be memories of life gone by.   

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