Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Sandwich Generation to Double Decker Generation

Sandwich Generation to Double Decker Generation 

Nope, not talking about the food supply of noon hour….

Talking about the human race… as it is just as much over seas as it is here in our country. Who the Sandwich Generation is … the ones that is taking care of two generations at the same time.  As we all get married and have lives of our own..  we … at least a good share of us.. end up having children.. So that means you are in charge of the next generation.  Just as your parents were when you were born.

The Sandwich generation has been around for a very long time..  centuries. .. especially over in Asia and Europe.  They have the older generation.. meaning the grandparents live in the same house with them.  And Americans have some families who have done that.

The Sandwich Generation is getting older.. And some times ends up a double layer sandwich. Double Decker, so to speak..  We are living longer.  The grandparents of old were old at 60. And declining in health at that time.   So the parents in the middle.. the Sandwich Generation was running around 30 or so. Raising their children.. some teens and helping out Mom or Dad or both as well.  Now.. the ages have changed.

There are grandparents who are 50 and older … whose life is still in the work force, with some retired.  The added generation that has grown is the Great Grandparents.. They are in their 70’and 80’s. And as they head to their 90’s the care comes from the other two generations..  the double decker sandwich….. being grandparents (children of the GGparents) who are now in their 50’s and 60’s… and added to this as helpers.. is the grandchildren.. of the GGparent.  The other helpers. (those in their high 20’s and early 30’s).  while they are raising their children.. from small to teens. 

The chores amount to making sure the GG’S  get to their dr. appointments, making sure they get to the grocery stores… helping out with yard chores and all the rest of the daily chores of life.  Some are pre-nursing home… but need help with dressing.. maybe setting up meals that are easy for them to heat. 

Some of the Sandwich Generation are not happy with this new line of work.  The ones who are in their 50’s and early 60’s are thinking at the office … as they  dream of vacations, traveling thru the country side.. and other idle thoughts..   to be woken up to the fact that their parents now need their help..  So they rely on their own children to help in the many task. Which I guess can be a learning tool for when they become the care taker of their parents.

So the Double Decker sandwich can be hard to take.. Yet there are others who cherish the task.


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