Monday, December 28, 2020

Heading down the last week…..

Heading down the last week…..


Here we are.. just 4 more days and this year is over…

OVER… but the part that makes me laugh is people’s

reaction to the end of the year and the new year coming.   It is like there is a big switch up there in New York, where the ball that falls.. and as the ball falls to the bottom it will flip the switch from 2020 to 2021 and all will be right.   Like it is magic. No more bad things will happen.. You just have to laugh at how they view it.  It truly would be amazing, if we all woke up January 1st. 2021 and the rest of the year was a wonderful glorious year.. full of love and respect for others. That all would be right, and no wrongs.


I once was told that I viewed life thru rose color glasses.  And when I was younger that might have been true. I always tried to see the better of people. And if some one did not like a person… I would wait and see if that person was as bad as they said. Because some times.. other people just don’t get along..  And it was true several times for me.  That some that I had been warned of.. turn out to be really great people.  So I guess it is just a matter how some people treat others, in how they respond.


So maybe the magic of 2021, is ….how we treat others.  To try to find some good in them.. To over look for a couple times, their rawer side.  And leave the politics and religion subject to others. Like in the older days.. I remember Mom and Dad saying never talk religion or politic with friends.. as it could end your friendship.   Guess that would be true of 2020.


So as we head down this last week of 2020, maybe we can work on that… Some times, life is what you make of it.  Oops, there goes my rose glasses again.

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