Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The shortest Day…..and NON ESSENTIAL ..

The shortest day…..and NON ESSENTIAL ..


Yesterday was the shortest day of year.  Well, the shortest daylight day of the year.  Now we start to stretch back out again.  This getting up at 7:30 am and it is still dark.. And watching the room get dark before 4pm… and having to turn on lights… is for the birds… don’t think even they like it.


It is these long nights that gets one depressed. Especially with a lot of the days, without sun shine.

Winter is the leader of depression months. Especially around January and February ..with long nights, dreary days… CABIN FEVER…  that is when people buy those lights that light up your room like it is a summer day.


This year is especially bad. I am hoping 2021 is going to be better than this year we are finalizing.  The people, especially those in cities where they don’t have yards to go to. So staying home has the full meaning of being coped up. No wonder people are depressed.  All their worth have been shut down. Our worth to us, is working, making money to live on.. for food, rent and all the essential things.   So many have lost jobs in the cities.  And then to have the label put on them…. Where all of this is a losing battle… to be called NON ESSENTIAL…. Your job is NON ESSENTIAL. Which makes you… wear the label of being.. NON ESSENTIAL.  I think that is the worse thing you can do to a person, to tell them that. They don’t take it as label of their job.. they take it personal. That they personally are not worthy.. that they don’t matter. They are non essential…Is it any wonder, there is more suicides this year.


If you know someone who has lost their job..please do not use the term on them or their job.  Find a way to make them know that they are important, that they have a purpose.  Yes, there are place, who are helping… (God bless them) with food. And other supplies.. but you can’t buy to give away, the feeling of mattering to those who are without a job now.

So do smile, even if you have to move your mask slight, and say Hi.


My daughter got me a couple mask from Costco. They are clear and they fit on my face like glasses. So people can see my face.. they can see I am smiling.. they can see I said HI.. Or good morning… I have seen so many who have return the smile.  We need to feed the soul as well as the body.



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