Monday, November 15, 2021

Weird sayings…..

Weird sayings….. 

A zillion years ago. When I was about 4 or 5.. it was Christmas day, and I had done something worthy of sending me to my room.. Which didn’t take much and happen often.   

My dad came up to my room with a small ball of dough. I had gotten a stove and the utensils… like rolling pin and etc.  It was before the little oven that actually did cook things.   So it was just all for looks .. but for a little 5 year.. it was a big deal.   When I asked my dad, where he got it.. he told me.. he got it from my mom, and added.. I like getting her goat.   Being 5 and knowing we had not got a goat yet…(did several years later).. I asked where the goat was. He told me it was just a saying… and even though I had the good sense not to ask, it made me wonder what the heck that meant.   This came to mind a couple days ago. Forgot what it was, but it reminded me of that moment of 75 plus years ago…  So of course I googled it… and I got to be honest..  I am more confused now than I was then.  What do you think.. do you have an old saying that doesn’t make sense.?


“get someone's goat”

To annoy someone, to make a person lose his or her tempe.This term is definitely American in origin, but its precise 

provenance has been lost. H. L. Mencken was told that it 

came from the practice of putting a goat inside a skittish racehorse’s stall in order to calm it down. Removing the goat 

shortly before the race would upset the horse and reduce its chances of winning, a ruse supposedly planned by a

gambler who had bet on the horse’s losing. This explanation seems more farfetched than a possible connection of the 

term with the verb “to goad.” In any event, it came into use about 1900.


Also .. I can’t tell you what I had for lunch yesterday, but I can tell you about a saying my father used 75 years ago.. not that too is funny


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