Tuesday, May 23, 2023

And the people have spoken And it was IAM TONGI..

And the people have spoken

And it was IAM TONGI..

But I don’t think we have heard the last of  We Ami and Colin Stough…

I don’t know what kind of contract the top 5 or 10 have with the America Idol after the show is over..  I had heard they are signed to a year contract for tour for the American Idol.. but I have not heard any thing in the past several years of what happens after the show is done and over…   Of course the top winner has a contract for a while.. and they come back to the future shows some times, as advisors for the future winners…

There are a few who were down on the list who have gone on to bigger and better things.. Jennifer Hudson comes to mind..  and then there are winner we never hear from again…

But I see Wa Ani as the upcoming Whitney Huston..  her voice was fantastic. And I did think she was going to win.. and was shocked to not see her in the final 3.

And Colin Stough… I think there will be some country stars that will give Colin a boost as a lead in or opening act for their shows and then he will launch out on his own .. like so many have..

Don’t get me wrong.. I think Iam Tongi deserve to win.. He was definitely one of the favorites of the singers..  Great voice and a sweet personality..  and hope he goes on to great things..  He reminds me of a former Hawaiian singer called Israel…. Who passed away a few years ago…

But I do think this is far from the end for  WeAmi and Colin.

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