Tuesday, January 16, 2024

My circle of friends is getting shrunk down…..

My circle of friends is getting shrunk down….. 

Was thinking of how I would go to friend’s houses for coffee.. They would come over my house.  For years…  But now?  I am sad to say, that I occasionally go over to my one friend’s house for coffee.. seems like every 6 months or so.   I felt bad at first..  after all she lives about 2 miles from our house..  I drive by the road she lives on and I can see her home as I go by… to go to the store.  But then I got to thinking.. the road goes both ways…  and she knows where I live.   She is a little more active than I.. she is active in her church… she also volunteers for Ancestry dept of her church.  And she visits her sister. Her mom just past away a couple months ago. 

My other friend.. who lives in the next town… maybe 6 miles away from our home..  is in poor health.. trying to get surgery done.  They won’t let her because… get this folks… SHE SMOKES…  and she has smoked since she was a teenager, and she is 70 something.  She has tried and tried..  and when she had quit for 3 weeks, they loused up her test.  So she had to go back again 4 days later..  They said she didn’t pass.. it was close but not good enough..  She was so disappointed .. she started to smoke again..  Not as heavy as she use to.. but enough not to make the test.   Then she went in for dental.. which is weird, as they did not have the no nicotine test… so she got that done.. and found out her jaw has some problems.  She is still waiting (it is almost 2 years) because appt, get cancelled,  she didn’t make the test good enough again.. She has a problem with her back and her left leg.  She had surgery years ago on her shoulder.   She totally amazes me because in the summer, she is always out in the yard doing yard work..  cleaning out her flower beds..  she did hire a young man the past summer to mow and do some other work, but she still is out there..  limping along.. pulling weeds, and other things.

But I find it cruel that they won’t let her have the surgery.  She is trying again.. to quit, enough to pass the test..  I hope she makes it this time..    but I don’t go over, because I don’t want to disturb her, when she gets to lay down for a short time..  As standing hurts.. sitting in a chair hurts.. and even laying down gets to her.. So I am afraid if I come knocking she will be sleeping and I woke her.

A lot of my friend have moved away after they retired.  And even more… have… died.  We use to get together once a month for lunch.. but there is only a few of us left.  Use to be about 11 of us. Now I think maybe 4 or 5? 

Yep the circle is getting smaller and smaller..

 Happy 112 birthday dad


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