Monday, January 29, 2024

The money pit… called hunting..

The money pit… called hunting..

You might have seen that video of Jeff Foxworthy about hunting.. He goes on and on over the hardship of being a hunter.  He tells of the expenses of bullets, guns,  4wheelers (for those who don’t know, it is a 4  wheel bike like.. that men ride in the woods)  The truck that HAS to be a 4 wheel drive… and if you really do it right.. you have to have a camper at least …if not a camp trailer..  What he did forget was gas.. so much gas… about 200 gals at least for the 4 days Elk hunt…  (for those who don’t know… elk is a very large deer like wild game).  Then there is enough groceries in that camper.. for an Army… say nothing of the cases of beer.  He goes on how hard it is.. such a sacrifices  for his family.. So they can have the prime of prime meat. 

The truth of the matter is.. this man … the hunter.. is like an 8 year kid going camping with all of his friends..  He is so excited that he starts gathering his hunting items weeks before hunting even starts..  He is out there shooting his gun to make sure it is lined up, so he doesn’t miss the wild life.  He talks to his buddy nightly to get the latest on the prep work.  They go up 8 days before hunting starts so they can have their favorite camp site. And scout the area..

He demands his favor, good luck shirt is ready to go..  even though he has enough clothes packed, you will know he won’t change his clothes while gone..  Because they almost walk back into the house after hunting season, by themselves. Smelling of your husband.. camp smoke and God only knows what else.

And then the big day comes..  but actually it starts at 9pm the night before he leaves..  he is nervous as a bride the night before he leaves.. Because they go up 3 days early.. to be sure to have their site set up.   They check and double check all of the supplies.. runs to the store for last minutes stuff… and then lays there away until 2am..   the same man who drags out of the bed at 6am to go to work, will jump out of bed like he has springs on his feet.  Last minute check and out the door to meet with buddies at 4am..

So don’t let them tell you..what a hardship it is..  it is pure adulterated pleasure. The thrill of a life time.  EVERY YEAR… And what a hardship it is…  no wife.. no kids.. no job.. just his buddies and the tall tales they tell each other..  No shaving, no baths, just fire smoke and beer and high tales..

And IF THE WIFE IS SMART… she uses this time very well.. as he has no husband to fix dinner for..  kids are pliable… she and her girlfriends can get together at one of the houses, group babysitting..  and then if it is Friday night.. it is party time..  pool playing.. drinking cocktails and stores about their men…  Oh, yeah.. it is a great time of the year…  you just have to know how to do it..    And for those who aren’t into partying any more?  And your kids have grown….  Well, it is still a great time.. of NO SCHEDULE.. NO MEALS TO COOK,  and best of all.. SILENCE.  Turn on the music of your youth..  do your pet project…  go to bed when you want.. and get up when you want..  it is surreal…   So let him blab about his hardship.. we know.. the truth.. and we have learn we don’t care.. let them THINK.. what they want..    

Oh, by the way the meat averages out to be about  $200 a pound but your sanity is worth it.  So let him complain about the hardship. 

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