I don’t really understand the thing of being a fan.
Yes, I have been a fan of different singer and such.
But how does one become a hero to people because of
this… Hero’s should be considered some one like our troops.
The police officer who jumps in to help people and forgets
himself… or the fireman… who saves a child.. or the
4 teens who saw a fire in a house and ran in and pulled out
the children, and guided the mother out. The boys who
jumped off a school bus and ran to help people in a
car accident. Or a young man who told his mother to
pull off the road and help teens get clear of a car they
just crashed with… the nurse and doctors who stays in a tent in Haiti
or other such places, with doctors and help the wounded.
The Dr. and Nurses on the war front… the helicopter
pilot who swoops down in gunfire to grab other people who are in harms way,
Now those are heroes….
To have your child worship or have for heroes, men who run a field with a ball,
Or hit a ball across glorified lawn… I am sorry, but you are doing it wrong.
To be a fan of someone’s work, be it an athletic movie star, singer,
and such…. Is one thing.. So what does that person owe you as a fan?
He or she owes you a good performance. End of story….
What their personal life is like, is none of the fan’s business.
Which talking about business, it is the media that makes a business
out of pasting rumors and stories. So because this person promotes for
a fee, a product you want to buy it? Not because it is a product you think
is of good quality, but because this star told you? I am shaking my head.
I was a fan of Johnny Cash since he was on the Jimmy Dorsey show in the
1950’s…. and when people would talk about his down fall, I thought it was
sad. Sad that such a talent would damage his body with drugs. And thought it was
great that June help him on to the right road… but I did not buy the papers
that had the stories about him. And rarely listen to the talk about it.
Maybe because I never got great joy out of someone else’s problems.
Be it a neighbor or a star. Johnny only owed me a good performance. Which
he did, in my opinion.
So those of you who point out that Tiger Woods let you down because of you, your
children and grandchildren… I got to say, that is sad.
Now the Congress men and other elected officials is a different playground. Because
I want a Congress person to be honest, I want them to be having ethics. I expect them
to have such, to be able to make up the laws of the land for us to run this big country of
ours. So if I elect someone, I expect to have some one of good character and to be
honest. Not ones who have prosecuted people for breaking a law, which they are doing
behind close doors. Not one who make laws against certain types of people when it comes out they too, are one of those people.
So an elected official, yes, and rock star, athletic, dancers, artist of any kind….no..And please parents…get real heroes for your kids
Saturday Slight
6 hours ago
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