The Obama projects and what were the concerns a year before Obama and years earlier than that… not necessarily in this order.
1. Economy
2. jobs where leaving America
3. health care
4. immigration
All of these were not solved in the past President terms on either side. And 3 of these have been a problem for at least 50 years.
Obama promised a change. He was tired of talk about these problems and no action. So he jumped in and started to change these areas. And we believed him. I think he really did believe it too. As with all Presidents, they all believe they are going to make a difference, no matter what side of the row they are on.
And here is America,screaming at him because he isn’t doing it in their idea of order. Plus he was handed the economy as he walked across the threshold, in its worse condition since 1929. People screamed, because as he tried his best with his crew to turn the economy around, no one liked how he did it … yelling Chicago Gang tactics. Yet no one had better ideas. And the TARP came in under the Republican flag.
After that he ran with the health care plan. Different plans have come to Congress for over 100 years. And they were talked to death quite litterly.
Obama was tired of talk, he wanted action. And as much as the Republicans tried to block it, they themselves have not brought forward a plan of their own. That was no action on one for 12 years!! Even when Obama and Clinton said they were going to make it one of their top priorities as they started to campaign.
Reminding me of the old adage…”talk is cheap… it takes real money to buy good whiskey”…
Then we have one that would have helped with both of those… Jobs. Stop jobs from going overseas. Hold the overseas companies (be it ours or theirs) accountable for safety and standards that we hold the companies within our borders. Stop huge and outrageous bonuses. They are already paid more than any other person in the company, why do they need bonuses to that extent? If any one was to get a merit raise, it should be the workers who make the product. After all they are making them well, and in a timely manner so the customer can purchase those products.
With that and making $20 the top wage, maybe the products can be made and the prices cheap enough that they can complete with overseas products. And keeping the products made in American would give jobs… Jobs would have insurance programs.
Immigration could start with all illegals getting no benefits. No health care, no help with housing, and no help with food stamps. I know there are people who are screaming about that as well. But if the illegals don’t like it…don’t come. Don’t crawl under or over our borders. You want to come in to the USA? Then ask one of your relatives to find you a job, and housing… before you come over.
Just like the rest of immigrants did in the past. Just because we share a border doesn’t give you a free ride. Those of you who are legal, you have to understand, that these illegals make it hard for you too. You are being condemned because of the illegals. Employers, just because these people come over illegal, doesn’t give you the right to treat them as animals. You need to have proper housing for these workers and make sure they are here legally.
So no green card? No job, no housing, no health care, no food stamps. No, this is not inhumane, it is the rule… if you don’t like it, don’t come. And because you have been able to hide for 10-20 years doesn’t give you a free pass either. If your employer wants you bad enough, then he/she will help you get in a green card.
And while you are at it…go to night school and learn English. I would have to learn your language if I went to your country. My Swedish and German forefathers had to learn when they came over. You should not be any different.
Everyone has their own thoughts of which of the 4 should have been done NOW. Be done first. Economy, of course, had to be first. No matter how you look at it… that was an emergency problem. (which by the way how do you think McCain would have handled it? I didn’t see any ideas during campaign time or didn’t he know how bad it was either) But the next one should have been jobs. Health care? Well, a band-aid could have help until jobs and immigrations were taken care of. The band-aid would have been to stop insurance refusal for previous conditions policies and open up state borders for all insurance companies. (our state only has the Blue Cross tri-names)
So while we have the “I want it now” generations, all could not have been done NOW.
I wonder how Obama Administration will be looking, say 20 or 30 years from now. Remember, Truman, Roosevelt and even Kennedy was not looked at kindly during their times… and now they are very highly thought of. Even Teddy Roosevelt was giving a bad time by his own party. I hope President Obama gets to hear about what a job he did 20 years from now.
In the meantime, if the two parties don’t start thinking about the country and not
their own parties only… this country will continue to be a mess. And it isn’t just the President, it is the Congress… It is Congress who can override a veto, the President doesn’t have such power.
Saturday Slight
7 hours ago
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