Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Well, we will try again..

Well, we will try again.. 

Remember last week… the,  can I hear you now post?

Well we get to do a do over today…. 

I am going back to Costco and hope this time they

have the hearing aides… AND hope I can hear better.

I will let you know tomorrow how it went.


One of the hearing aides I have now is burnt out.. hasn’t work

for about a month.. and I feel the other one is on its way out.

As I have a heck of a time hearing anyone. .


I don’t see why they can’t make a hearing aide that is like a amp.

You know where you can turn it up like you do a tv… turn it down when you don’t want to hear…lol.. 


I find that not hearing well, is a real downer.  You get to the point you don’t want to be around people because you are tired of..

What?  Could you say that again.. and slower?  You see someone you know, and you get this dread of knowing it is not going to go well.  So you cut it short…   phone calls are the worse..

So I am sure hoping at the end of my appointment this afternoon,

I can hear.

it went pretty well..  I can hear better... even hear the second hand on the clock tick away....  

that is the good news.. the bad news is the car quit at a friends house... She gave me a ride to Costco and then her husband gave the King a ride to get a battery there...   Don't know what we would have done without such great friends.. 

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