Tuesday, August 18, 2020

What I have learn....

What I have learn…..


I have learn that you really don’t have to print out everything on your envelope when you address it… All it needs is… YOUR NAME or the person you are mailing to….  The street address, or p.o. box number…. And then the zip code…  You don’t need the city nor the state..   I learn this by using it for my return address.. but also by a friend who addressed an envelope to me.. with my name perfectly spelt out…. With my post office box perfectly filled out.. and the town and state… perfectly spelt out..  no errors.. yet it was sent back to her… Why????  Because the zip code was not read correctly… I knew what the zip code was, so maybe I could read it.. but the post office could not..   Then there was another who misspelt my town, but did get the zip code correct…and I got that..  So why are we taking up time writing in the whole address??  But with Trump dismantling all the machine sorters, … we might have to put in our town and state for the human sorters. 


I found that getting new hearing aides that you hear things that you don’t normally hear. If you do, you don’t notice it..  After coming home last week from getting my hearing aides.. I could hear this odd sound… took me a while of looking around to find out it was the second hand on the clock.. ticking away the seconds.  Also outside I could hear a noise.. I thought it to be the wind… as some have said they have trouble with that.. with new aides.  But I looked at my flag pole and my flag was draped around the pole and not moving… It took me 3 days to figure it out.. It is the traffic that is a block and half away… it was the swishing of the cars going by.  I came by it by accident. I was getting the paper out of the box on the street…  I hear the noise and then it stopped and then started up again.. I happen to be looking down the street toward the highway… It was quiet. And then it started up… and I saw that cars were going by.. and when there was no traffic.. there was silence again.. 


It is going to take a bit to get use to these different sounds of life, that we take for granted and sometimes don’t hear at all. 


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